Chapter Two

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"Sure thing."

Wooyoung sighed as he made his way into the small, dark, area between the two looming houses that Jibae ran between, muttering a small "here we go again."

The blonde couldn't say that this was not a common occurrence. Mingi's Boston Terrier runs off all the time and of course, being the lazy ass that he is, Mingi always sends his neighbor to go find his dog for him.

And that neighbor was always the one and only Jung Wooyoung.

It didn't matter though, the blonde loved the small dog to pieces. He was the cutest thing to walk this earth.

Wooyoung slowly stepped through, his sneakers making slight crunching noises against the jagged gravel. "Jibae?"

No dog in sight.

The blonde let out another sigh, stuffing his slightly tanned hands into the pockets of his dark jeans. "Come on, Jibae."

Wooyoung went all the way through the area in between the tall houses, eyeing the treeline of the forest-like area near the neighborhood.

Knowing Jibae, he'd probably be fucking annoying and go into there.

Wooyoung cursed.

This was probably going to take more time than it should.

The blonde padded slowly over to the area of trees that looked like some sort of work of art. Brown eyes wandering on every crevice, Wooyoung searched everywhere for Mingi's dog.

Suddenly something whizzed by in the corner of Wooyoung's vision.

Wooyoung snapped his head in the direction of the movement, widened eyes trained on the familiar figure of a familiar dog.


Wasting no more precious time, the blonde immediately booked it in the direction of the small animal, his blonde hair flapping against his forehead. Wooyoung yelled, his voice belting through the humid air. "Jibae! Get back here!

It seemed like the dog understood the complete absolute opposite of the blonde's words because Jibae ran even faster.


Wooyoung definitely couldn't keep up with the stamina of the small animal because after a few minutes, Wooyoung was on his knees panting like a dog. Oh my god, I really need to stop being such a lazy ass and get in shape.

The blonde wiped some sweat off of his forehead before running his fingers through his smooth, now slightly damp, hair. This felt like such a bad idea.

At least he was getting a lot of cardio.

Still exhausted, Wooyoung fell to the ground, not caring that his clothes were getting smudged with dirt. Head spinning, the blonde tried his best to catch his breath.

He probably should also start drinking water, because right now he was so unbelievably thirsty.

After laying down on the earth like a dying corpse for what felt like an hour, Wooyoung slowly got up.

Jibae was probably long gone now.

Or so Wooyoung thought. 

The blonde turned his head slowly, eyes widening slightly as he spotted the Boston Terrier standing a few meters away from him. The wide eyes of the dog were trained onto his own, tail wagging in an excited manner.

Wooyoung stared at the dog. "Are you fucking kidding me? You were here watching me the whole time?"

The dog continued to wag his tail as if it was a taunt.

The blonde sighed, slowly making his way towards the animal. "Come on, Jibae. Let's go home."

As soon as Wooyoung took another step, the dog's tail immediately stopped wagging. The dog visibly looked a bit more fearful, his figure shrinking back very slowly.


Wooyoung stopped. "It's just me. There's nothing to be scared about. Come on, don't be a pain in the ass and-"

Jibae suddenly barked, the noise piercing through the white noise.

The blonde froze. Jibae has never acted in this way towards him before.

Did he look scary or something?

As if Jibae knew that Wooyoung's internal debate needed confirmation, the dog let out two more piercing barks.

The dog looked afraid.

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows. "What am I doing? I'm just here to take you home. Am I just too ugly for..."

Jibae barked once again, this one louder than the last few.

Wooyoung scoffed, pulling out his phone and opening the camera app to check his face. "Geez, fucking rude."

Other than a bit of dirt on his chiseled features, Wooyoung looked fine. The blonde continued to stare at his reflection, fixing his dirtied hair slightly with his free hand. "Jibae, I look fine. What's the issue..."

Wooyoung trailed off as he noticed something in his reflection.

There were a few dark figures standing right behind him.

The blonde froze, hands suddenly getting sweaty as he slowly and shakily turned his head to view the figures behind him.

He only saw them for a split second when suddenly he felt his whole body crumple to the forest floor.

A/N there might be some things in here that might be important to note hehe ;)


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