Chapter Three

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He only saw them for a split second when suddenly he felt his whole body crumple to the forest floor.


Wooyoung startled awake, brown eyes frantically wandering across the dark, chilly scenery. Heart racing with anxiety, the blonde noticed that he was currently tied to a tree, his now sweaty back being pressed against the rough, damp bark.

What the fuck?

Wooyoung bit his lip, trying to escape but all it did was cause the textured rope to dig into his wrists even more.

"Stop moving."

Wooyoung froze, his head shakily turning towards the source of the voice.

Three looming dark figures stood a good distance away from Wooyoung.

Wooyoung spat. "Hey! What the fuck is this!? Why are you doing this!?"

The dark figure in the front spoke, his words coming out quite nonchalant. "If you cooperate, then maybe this wouldn't hurt as much."

The blonde scoffed, his nervousness completely dissolving his filter. "Then why'd you have to tie me up then, huh? Are you scared of me?"

One of the dark figures growled, their bewitching voice coming out in an annoyed manner. "Shut it!"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "Is this some kind of fucking joke? Oh wait a second, jokes have meaning! Why are you doing this!?"

The dark figure in the front advanced towards Wooyoung, his angry strides causing the environment to darken. "You shut-"

"Why are you doing this!?"


"Why are you doing this!?"



At this point, the dark figure's face was a couple of centimeters away from the blonde's own, and boy, he was fuming. "Let me speak!"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes and spat, the wet flying projectile landing on the dark figure's face.

The dark figure cringed and wiped the spit off of his face before jabbing an angry finger into Wooyoung's chest. "Look. You are special, and you need to help us-"

Wooyoung interrupted, kicking the man straight in the nuts. "I'm special? Bitch, who are you talking about? The only special thing here is the special order you have to place every time you buy clothes to fit your huge fucking ego. Guess what? Nobody likes you!"

The dark figure fell to the forest floor, crying out in pain. "What a shit! Why does he have to be the chosen one?"

The other two dark figures helped up their companion, the trio beginning to talk amongst themselves.

Wooyoung stared at the figures, breathing hard as his mind began to wander.

What did they mean by chosen one?

After a few more seconds of quiet discussion, one of the other dark figures turned to look at the blonde, speaking with a raspy voice that reminded Wooyoung of sandpaper. "Look. If you cooperate, this would be much easier for both us and you. You're different and we need your help."

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows, blinking his brown eyes. "Different...? Wait a second... is this some kind of hate crime? Are you doing this because I'm gay? Bitch, it's the fucking twenty-first century, I swear to god-"

The raspy voice cut through the blonde's words. "No, we don't care about your erm... preference. We just need your power."

Wooyoung scoffed. "Well, you got the wrong man. I'm useless."

"Not ye-"

Wooyoung faked a yawn, the sound being overexaggerated for emphasis. "This is boring and I'm tired. I appreciate your erm... company... but can you buy me an Uber? I sure as hell don't want to walk home."

The figure that talked to him first spoke up, annoyance lacing his deep voice. "No, we can't buy you a- oh my fucking god..., maybe he'll stop acting like such a brat once we turn him?"

The blonde sneered, his sarcastic comebacks continuing to fly out of his mouth before he could think. "Turn me into what? It doesn't matter anyways, because no matter what you'll turn me into, I'll still probably look far more fucking attractive than your ugly mug."

"No, we-"

Wooyoung continued, the speed of his words coming out of his mouth sounding similar to rambles. "How are you going to change me into anything anyways? Are you like fairies or something? Oh, oh! Demons! Are you guys demons? Does that mean I get to meet Satan? But why would I though? I don't sin that much, the last time I sinned was last week when I- nevermind, just ask your mom, she would know."

Wooyoung was well aware that he was angering these strange kidnappers and this was his usual tactic when he was scared or unsure.

Kill people with sarcasm and wit.

The dark figure in the front growled. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

Wooyoung chuckled lightly, his voice coming out like a playful melody. "Ooh~ Look who's insecure~"

The dark figure, almost impulsively, kicked Wooyoung in the shins causing the blonde to cry out in pain. "Come on. We're moving him."

In his pain, Wooyoung felt the rope around his wrists slowly get untied, his body being removed from the tree. The dark figure behind him pushed Wooyoung forward, tying the rope back around his wrists. "You're coming with us."

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. "Where are you taking me? Are you taking me back home? The grocery store? A magical portal to the world of Deo Meon? Where?"

The raspy-voiced dark figure let out an annoyed sigh. "Knock him out again. He's so fucking annoying."

Before Wooyoung could respond, his vision snapped back to complete black for the second time that night.

A/N i think I'm addicted to Say My Name. I literally listened to a whole hour loop today and got disappointed when it ended but like bruh its such a good song. idk what happened but like over night i suddenly got addicted. that song is literal perfection. yes. stream it


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