Chapter Eighteen

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"Of course not! Come on, let's get to class."


Wooyoung was currently out to watch San's figure skating competition.

The blonde was strangely excited as he entered the building, other people there to see the event surrounding him on every side. He's never seen competitive figure skating live, and the sport was rather intriguing.

As soon as Wooyoung entered the main rink, he felt the chilly air hit his pale skin, though it didn't really affect him now because of his lack of body heat.

It was about as uncomfortable as a simple touch.

So not really uncomfortable at all.

The blonde took a seat near the end of a row near the back, pulling out his phone. He had only a few minutes until the competition started.


Apparently, San was the last skater on the ice, and it was finally his turn.

Wooyoung watched the other skaters before him, and he could tell almost immediately that this competition was quite serious. Each person had such great technique and skill, it looked like they all have been practicing for all of their lives.

The blonde watched as the familiar brown-haired boy skated into the center of the rink.

If Wooyoung's heart was still beating, it probably would've stopped right then and there.

San's hair was styled in a rather clean way, slicked back like a wave. The good-looking boy also wore a dark blue suit-like top that looked rather expensive, small little diamond-like pieces covering the whole right half of the piece of clothing. His skates were a charcoal color, matching a stripe that went down San's left pant leg, those pants being a stark black.

Damn, he looked literally amazing.

Wooyoung noticed that San looked a bit nervous, the uneasy look not even ruining his good looks. Even if he couldn't see San's facial expression, the blonde could hear his heartbeat from all the way from where he was sitting, the beats drumming at a ridiculously fast tempo.

Without thinking, the blonde stood up and shouted, trying to give San some confidence. "Go San! You'll do amazing!"

The mentioned brown-haired boy immediately looked up towards Wooyoung's direction, a small smile replacing his troubled look as soon as he made eye contact. San gave the blonde a small wave, wiping some nervous sweat off of his forehead with his expensive-looking shirt sleeve.

Wooyoung waved back, smiling so wide that if anyone looked close enough they could probably see his fangs.

San skated a few circles before going back to the center, getting into a position that Wooyoung assumed was his starting position.

Here we go.

As soon as the music started, Wooyoung fell into a literal trance watching San skate on the ice. He looked like he was born to skate, his movements so fluid and flowing like water, each one so precise and purposeful. His skating seemed like complete perfect art, one could probably take a picture at any time and San would still look good. San's face was very concentrated, his lip bit sometimes as he moved around the space. The blonde was sitting pretty far back, yet San's presence seemed to fill the whole entire room.

Wooyoung has never seen anything so beautiful in his life.

Soon enough, the show was over. As the blonde looked onto the ice, seeing San stand there in his ending pose as still as ice sculpture, he couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed. He didn't realize how hypnotizing San would be as a figure skater.

He was perfect for it.

Wooyoung began to cheer loudly as the rest of the audience clapped for the performance.

That show was amazing.


San ended up getting first in the round, moving on to the next round of his competition. Wooyoung thought that the brown-haired boy completely deserved it.


The blonde turned from where he was waiting outside of the building, seeing the star of the amazing show he just watched walking up to him. San was wearing some rather casual clothes that completely contrasted the value of his performance outfit from earlier, yet his hair was still styled very fancy. "Hey!"

San smiled wide. "Thank you for coming to see me! My dad couldn't make it to this one, so I was a bit nervous since he really calms me down, but you helped me a lot. I hope I was good enou-"

Wooyoung's jaw dropped from the statement before quickly shutting his mouth to hide his pointy canines. "Good enough? You did fucking amazing! I didn't know that you were this good, oh my god, I loved your performance so much. I've never seen anything so amazing in my life!"

San let out a rather musical chuckle, a bit of pink dusting his cheeks. "O-oh, thank you. I'm so glad you enjoyed it."

Wooyoung and San made eye contact, a rather comfortable silence enveloping between the two. San's eyes were a really pretty shade of brown.

It was about ten seconds before San looked away, staring at the ground. "Erm, one of my skating pals was going to drive me home and I don't want to keep him waiting so... I guess I have to go."

The blonde gave a short nod. "Ah. That's okay. See you at school, I guess."

A small smile returned to San's face. "Yeah, see you too! Bye, Woo!"

The blonde decided to return the usage of nicknames. "See you, Sannie."

Wooyoung noticed that San's eyes widened slightly at the name, the smile still on his face as he turned to leave.

Wooyoung watched San's handsome figure walk off.

A/N this chapter lol was mostly fanservice, though it does set up the next events ;) i apologize in advance.


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