Chapter Nineteen

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Wooyoung watched San's handsome figure walk off.

Once San was out of sight, Wooyoung was about to walk off to go to the bus stop since that's how he even got to the rink by himself, but then he noticed something.

Someone was watching him.

He could've brushed it off as someone just randomly looking in his direction, but the person looked straight into the blonde's eyes for a solid twenty seconds before smirking an extremely unsettling smile that dripped with evil.

Then he vanished.

Wooyoung's eyes widened.

Where the hell did that man go?

The blonde's brown eyes flitted across the whole area, searching for the man that was once there.

But he was gone. There was absolutely no trace of the suspicious figure anywhere in sight.

Wary, Wooyoung took a few steps very cautiously towards where the man stood, his hands shaking slightly from anticipation. It could be just some sort of trick of the light, but from what Wooyoung now knew about the world, he knew very well that it probably wasn't just something as simple as that.

The blonde took another step when-


Something hard conked Wooyoung on the head, his world going dark as he felt his body crumple to the paved ground.


The blonde startled awake, his eyes fluttering open quickly. It only took a few seconds to register that he was tied quite tightly to a hard metal chair, in some place he did not recognize.

Wooyoung's eyes widened. Where the hell was he?

It seemed that he was in the center of some sort of warehouse, dimly lit by some old, rusty hanging lights. The large space was filled with rows of dirty shipping containers of various colors.

This was certainly not where Wooyoung thought his day would go.

Though this situation seemed vaguely familiar.

The blonde struggled against the restraints, getting nowhere. The light brown rope did nothing but leave marks on his pale skin, not budging one bit.

Wooyoung stopped as soon as he saw something move out of the corner of his eye.

The blonde slowly turned his head in the direction of the movement, but there was nothing there.

Then suddenly, one of the storage containers in front of Wooyoung opened up, the doors of it clanging loudly, the clank echoing so loud that it felt that the whole world heard it. The blonde looked up slowing towards the sound, seeing the same fucking ridiculous dark figures of the Goemul step out.

"Hello, Wooyoung."

Wooyoung subconsciously let out a growl, ice starting to form on his fingertips. "Fuck you!"

The figure that had a creaky voice spoke up, glaring at the blonde and seeming to ignore Wooyoung's uncreative threat. "So, I'm sure you've seen what we've done-"

The blonde scoffed. "Excuse me!? Are you talking about the goddamn murder at our school!? If you think that that shitty move would do anything to change what the fuck I even feel about you and your stupid motherfucking shitty organization, it didn't. FUCK YOU, BITCH!!"

One of the other figures intervened, their bewitching voice strangely calm. "If you don't join us and help us put, that could very easily happen to everyone you love. You don't want that to happen, do you?"

Wooyoung hesitated, but then easily broke through their manipulation. "What? Hello? Fuck no! I'll never ever do anything with you, especially since you can't do anything properly. You think that tying me up and killing somebody that I didn't even know would convince me to do this? Fuck you! You're lucky that this isn't my kink because I certainly don't enjoy this! Leave me the hell alone, you shit!"

The dark figure with the creaky voice glanced at the other figures before walking over to where Wooyoung was sitting and effortlessly picking up the metal chair and the blonde and throwing them into the shipping container that they exited out of earlier. "We'll leave you here to reevaluate your decision."

Wooyoung let out a guttural yell as the door to the container shut, enveloping him in complete and utter darkness. "What the fuck! This won't change my mind at all!"

The blonde didn't know what took over him, but he felt a surge of strength fueled by his anger course through his bloodless veins. The ropes disintegrated into literal dust as Wooyoung's buff arms ripped through them at inhumane strength.

But that's not all that happened.

Even though Wooyoung didn't have body heat anymore, he could feel the temperature drop harder than the drop in Fireworks (I'm The One). The chair that Wooyoung was tied to was now cold and slippery, covered in ice.

Wooyoung let out a surprised gasp as he felt his feet slip under him after he stood up, causing him to fall into one of the sides of the container which was now also covered in frozen water.

The blonde gave up and simple laid down on the slippery surface, pulling out his phone and immediately turned on the flashlight.

Icicles were littering the ceiling of the metal container, their form so precise that it looked like it was shaped by a sculptor.

The blonde's eyes widened.

Did he really just do all of this?

Wooyoung felt uneasy as he crawled over towards the door of the container, trying to push it open, but failing miserably because he had absolutely no friction.

The blonde looked around the container, trying to see if there was anything in there to help him, but it was completely empty except for him and the metal chair.

Wooyoung was stuck.

A/N I wonder how many of you guys were expecting this to happen right after the fanservice chapter, i hope i didn't disappoint lol.


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