Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The next time the blonde looked up at the window in the door, the dark figures of the Goemul stood behind it, staring right back into Wooyoung's soul.

The blonde froze as he stared at the intimidating figures. The only thing that they were doing was just standing there, but just their mere presence was intimidating.

They were here.

Quickly, Wooyoung opened his phone and sent the two other good vampires a message of some random letter. They'd know what it means.

The blonde looked back up at the window, a chill going through his already cold body as the closest Goemul member gestured a finger for Wooyoung to come out to the hall.

Well, now he had no other choice.

How did nobody else notice?

Wooyoung stood up and quickly made his way out of the door, completely ignoring the protests and confused remarks of his teacher as he walked out into the hall.

"So, Wooyoung, have you decid-"

The blonde shifted all of his weight onto his left leg, crossing his arms. "No. My answer is no. Go away."

Okay, Wooyoung knew that that probably was not going to work whatsoever, but might as well try, right?

The Goemul member, the one with the rather bewitching voice, scoffed. "Oh, really now? You really would want to risk every single person in this building just to be stubborn? Wow, I never would've expected that from you, since you're so, ugh, caring."

Wooyoung was a bit put off by the sheer amount of disgust the figure put into the last word of their sentence, but managed to regain his composure. "Oh, well you see, they won't be dying... the only people that will be taken down today would be you-"

"Us, eh? You've never came even remotely close to beating me, you or those other disgusting vampires. The only way you could stop us would be if you joined us-"


The blonde spinned on his heels towards the source of the voice, turning to see Hongjoong and Seonghwa running down the hallways right towards him.

The backup has arrived.

Wooyoung made eye contact with the blue-haired male, Hongjoong giving him a small wink. "Unlike usual, we actually have a plan."

"Whatever plan you have will not work we-"

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, childishly holding up his middle finger. "Fuck. You."

That's no language for a school environment.

It's time to start phase one of Wooyoung's plan: Seperate and distract each member.

Wooyoung snapped his fingers and immediately charged, aiming a punch at the Goemul figure with the creaky voice. The other two friendly vampires were right beside him, trying to neutralize the other two members.

The blonde threw another punch, the punch immediately being countered by a punch into Wooyoung's gut. To counter the counter, the blonde threw out a roundhouse kick, tripping the member to make him fall into a group of lockers.

Wooyoung was about to throw another punch when suddenly-

BEEP "Attention all teachers, we are now officially going into a lockdown. Please stay calm, and follow the instructions in the emergency folder placed near the door in each classroom. This is not a drill..."

Wooyoung's eyes widened. The front office must've seen the fight occurring on the security cameras.

The Goemul member used the blonde's surprise as an opening to send out a roundhouse kick of his own, sweeping Wooyoung's legs out under him. The blonde fell to the hard ground, letting out a loud "oof". Wooyoung immediately scrambled up, baring his fangs and swiping out, a wave of ice spreading across the dark figure and the lockers behind him.

Wooyoung knew that he was entering a rather monstrous state, the state he used to kill innocents, but he honestly didn't care at this point.

These Goemul needed to fucking leave.

They've way overstayed their welcome... even though they were there first but that literally didn't matter they still needed to fucking leave.

Wooyoung noticed that Hongjoong and Seonghwa have both had the members they were fighting onto the hard floor already.

He needed to hurry up so they could start the next phase.

The blonde threw a few messy punches and conked the figure on the head before gripping his shoulders, ice beginning to spread from his fingertips. His frustrations were beginning to fuel his actions.

These stupid monsters ruined his life.

They took his life, caused him to take the lives of innocent people and animals, and stripped him of his own humanity. He just wanted to end them already for taking everything from him.

Wooyoung let out a guttural growl as he gripped the shoulders of the figure even harder, ice spreading faster. The Goemul member let out a yell as time passed on, crescendoing louder and louder as Wooyoung gripped with so much force that he almost crushed the vampire's shoulders like a hydraulic press. His eyes were now glowing such a noticeable fluorescent blue now as Wooyoung kept going, but he didn't care and didn't know if he could stop. He didn't care that he was giving into being and acting like a monster, because they needed to leave for ruining his fucking life. They needed to get rid of horrible in a tortuous manner just because-


The blonde froze, his grip loosening as he heard that familiar voice.


A/N and now this book is officially my longest book because my two previous longest books were both tied at thirty-seven chapters each!! wow, i didn't expect this to be this long!

also by the looks of it, if everything goes as i think, there will only be four or five chapters left. :(


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