Chapter Twenty-Four

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"I really don't know. The pile just looked too perfect and pure for this dark, flawed world." 


So far, it's been about three weeks since Wooyoung got captured by the Goemul, and nothing much happened.

Other than the fact that two more murders happened.

The blonde has been feeling extremely guilty and uneasy because he knew that the deaths of the four kids were literally his fault.

This burden was getting heavier and heavier, and Wooyoung just wanted it all to stop.

At the moment, the school decided to temporarily shut down because they started to notice the pattern that all of the deaths were students, and they wanted to find who was behind the murders before starting school up again for safety reasons. It was understandable, but Wooyoung knew that they'd probably never find the murderers.

Since they were, well, immortal supernatural creatures.

They honestly had to do something about it right now. There was no way that Wooyoung could keep going on with his life, causing innocent people to die, because of his conscience.

Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Wooyoung have been trying to brainstorm some idea on how to stop the Goemul, but the only ideas they could think of were forms of killing them, but obviously, that wouldn't work. They can't die.

There has to be some way to stop them from coming back to life and healing themselves.

If only Wooyoung knew that they needed to do it sooner rather than later.


Yeosang was coming over.

Most of the students at Wooyoung's school were celebrating because they get a free break, but others were actually scared for their lives, especially those who were close to the ones that were murdered.

Although Wooyoung didn't know any of the people that got killed, he still felt scared, both from what has happened and what might happen.

What if they decide to kill one of his friends?

So in order to take his mind off of things, the blonde decided to invite his best friend over to just play some games and vibe for a bit.

Wooyoung slid off of his leather couch in where he was watching some youtube videos on his phone when he heard a couple of knocks come from his door. The blonde texted him to come over a few minutes ago, but since Yeosang only lives down the street it didn't take long for him to arrive.

The blonde trotted up to the door and peeked through the peephole, confirming that it was indeed his friend, and opening it up wide. Yeosang gave a small wave. "Hey, Woo."

Wooyoung gestured Yeosang to come into the house. "Hey, Yeo. Come in."

Yeosang stepped into the house and chucked his shoes off, making his way to the living room. The blonde shut the door right after, trailing behind his best friend. "So what do you want to do? Do you want to play the game we played last time?"

Yeosang smiled. "Oh, yeah. This time I'm so sure that I'll be able to beat you. Your reign will end today."

Wooyoung walked over to his console and turned it on, shaking his head playfully. "Oh, I don't think so. You'll never win."


Yeosang didn't win a single round.

Wooyoung was currently on the floor laughing like crazy. The blonde didn't even know how it was humanely possible to be that bad at a video game, but Yeosang was apparently that case. He was just too stubborn to give up. "You can't win, Yeo!"

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