Chapter Twenty-Seven

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So with a heart stained with scars and terror of the previous events, Wooyoung followed the instructions of the elder vampires and brought a new vampire into the world.


Wooyoung, Hongjoong, and Seonghwa were all surrounding Yeosang's unconscious body in a circle, kind of reminding the blonde of some sort of satanic ritual.

Wooyoung has since calmed down quite a bit, but his heart was still heavy, so many questions running through his mind.

How would Yeosang react when he woke up? Would he act the same as Wooyoung when he did? 

What's going to happen to his thirst now that he's had a taste of human blood? 

If the Goemul did this to try and convince Wooyoung to join their flawed side, would they keep doing similar acts? Were his other friends even safe? 

What would the Goemul do if they realized that Wooyoung wouldn't join them after this? Would they try and convince him in an even more extreme method?

Wooyoung sighed as he looked at Yeosang's body, the changes happening right before his eyes. "I wonder what he might be feeling from all of this. He looks so peaceful."

Hongjoong shrugged. "The change is the only time us vampires ever look peaceful. It's like our last rest before we stay awake forever. The time when everything changes."

The blonde nodded. "Yeah, I guess. I just... I feel kind of bad that I had to do this to him without him knowing. Although it happened to me too... I just feel like maybe he should've known first. I just feel so bad... He deserved life, and I just probably ruined it all for him. I'm such a monster."

Seonghwa laid a comforting cold hand on Wooyoung's shoulder. "Remember what we said, it wasn't your fault. The Goemul tempted you and put you in a situation that most of us probably couldn't resist either. The want for human blood is so strong. It's always inevitable."

Wooyoung looked away, staring at the red bloodstain on his carpet. He should probably clean that before his mom came home. "Yeah, but I've been a vampire for what, a little bit less than a month? Compared to the ages of you two, a month is like nothing. How could I be so weak-"

The dark-haired male interrupted again. "It's not your fault, Wooyoung, you have to understand that. You know that in addition to becoming a vampire, you've become burdened with so much more than a normal one, so there is no way that we could blame you for this. Sure, a lot has changed, but it's not your fault."

The blonde sighed. "You're right, but... why can't I believe that myself? I didn't want this and I caused so much pain for others, so I feel like I owe myself to the people. I feel like my life has changed meaning so quickly, and it's all my fault, but... it also isn't my fault, I guess. I didn't ask to be a tool of mass destruction, but now I feel like it's my duty to stop this. I've already caused so much pain, and I" Wooyoung's voice began to get shaky, "need to help you guys stop this all. I hate this, and I hate my new existence so much because of the monster I've become, but since I was given this power, I feel I'm obligated to use it alongside my own morals. To end what is so wrong."

Hongjoong gave a short nod. "That's very wise of you Wooyoung, to realize that, but... some of your words trouble me. You said that you're a monster, yes, but I don't believe that is true. A monster would only do things that are morally wrong and do things that are so selfish, and although you've done an act that you might think is so villainous... your regret and pain proves that although you don't have a beating heart, you're still human. The power didn't blind you from the good in life, and I find that quite admirable. Most new vampires would probably give in to the dark side because they realized that they could do things so much higher, and start to use themselves as selfish vessels of manipulation. You should be proud, Wooyoung."

Wooyoung looked between the two other friendly vampires. "You guys are also that way too, no? You don't seem to be selfish or... bad or... full of yourselves... it's like your own words, your powers didn't blind you."

The dark-haired male let out a light chuckle. "It's rather simple, yet... so complicated. It might be because the ways we got turned were not consensual like you, or because we started with morals better than most, but... the thing we know is that life is precious, and immortality kind of showed us that. Everyone is always so stressed out about their own lives, working so hard to get up to the expectations of others and themselves, trying to fit in and remove insecurities, just... everything. But now that we don't have the looming idea that life will end, we come to realize that not everything should be about pleasing yourself and others. You can never enjoy life if you keep focusing on expectations."

The blonde blinked. "Wow. I mean... I guess that makes a lot of sense. Life is short and I think we all deep down care about what others think. I made so many mistakes with myself, and although it will take time to heal, just acknowledging it is the next right thing. I may have done all of this pain to others, but in the end, it probably maybe wasn't entirely my fault. I think... I'm okay now. We'll fix this and... and when Yeosang wakes up I'll make sure that he's okay. It's the best I could do."

And that's when Yeosang's eyes fluttered open, his gaze familiar yet so different now that he changed.

A/N wow uh that was kind of deep. i have no idea if i even wrote my message in proper words because im kinda tired rn lol, i might edit this later.


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