Chapter Twenty-One

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⚠️⚠️This part contains some slight mentions and mild descriptions of implied murder. Please be safe. ⚠️⚠️


It was Hongjoong and Seonghwa.

Thank god.

Wooyoung slid his body to the now non-ice-covered part of the metal container, laying his face onto the door as he felt something not icy for the first time in hours. For some reason, the metal felt really nice against his pale face.

Hongjoong let out a noise of confusion. "Wooyoung? Are you good?"

The blonde slapped his muscular arms onto the door and wiped some of his wet hair off of his forehead. Wooyoung's face was still pressed against the metal, too relieved and stressed to even realize that he wasn't acting normally. "Uh huh...ssuiffwoueuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuefhovjfwoiheuivboqeeeaov-"

The blue-haired and black-haired males looked at each other concerned, before each grabbing one of Wooyoung's arms and sitting him up against the side of the metal container, right near the opening. "Wooyoung?"

The blonde let out a subconscious giggle. "Y-yes?"

"What happened? Why were you stuck in a storage container?"

Wooyoung intertwined his fingers together. "The Goemul c-caught me. Oh my god. Please tell me to never do that again. I was in fear of constant death for the past seven hours, please, oh my god. How'd you even find me?"

Seonghwa raised his eyebrows. "Your distress was literally so high that I could feel it from the opposite side of the city. You're lucky that I could recognize it was you now because otherwise I probably would've ignored it. What's up with all of the ice?"

Wooyoung let out a dry laugh. "I couldn't control it. It just... it kind of happened because I tried to escape, but it just made everything so much worse. Thank you so much for finding me, I almost died."

At that moment, one of the icicles inside the container fell, causing a loud crash to emit through the large space.

Wooyoung's eyes widened as he looked over his shoulder and into the container. If he didn't get out any sooner, his undead life might've ended on this very day.

The blonde ran a hand through his wet hair. "What time is it?"

"It's like eight p.m."

Wooyoung took out his phone to confirm that it was indeed eight p.m. "Ah, I should probably get home."

Hongjoong held out his hand to help Wooyoung up. "Right. We'll escort you home just in case the Goemul come back. What'd they even tell you anyway?"

The blonde took the outstretched hand and stood, legs a bit shaky as he hasn't stood up on solid, non-slippery ground for hours. "U-uh... they just talked to me about how I should join them again, and mentioned that the dead body at my school was indeed them. Of course, I'm not, but the audacity of those bitches to even think I'd join them after killing someone so innocent. If they do it again, I swear-"

Seonghwa interrupted, voice a bit shaky as he stared all the way down the row of containers. "Well, uh, then I have some b-bad news for you."

Confused, Wooyoung followed the dark-haired male's gaze to see what he was looking at.

There was a body lying on the floor.

Wooyoung's eyes widened as he trudged over towards the body, stopping right in front of it. The victim's neck was bent in an inhumane way, on full display of some very obvious fang marks.


The blonde knelt down, observing the victim's face as he saw the other two friendly vampires come up next to him in his peripheral vision. The blue-haired male knelt down next to Wooyoung. "Oh, geez. This looks like a rather quick murder."

Wooyoung studied the facial features for a bit more before realizing something.

The blonde turned to the other two, eyes wide.

"I recognize this person. They go to my school."


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