Chapter Six

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Go to school.


Wooyoung was kind of scared of himself.

His trek to the buildings of education gave him a chance to ponder, and that caused him to negatively realize so many different things.

He was literally about to murder Mingi's dog with no regrets, solely for his own personal gain.

What the fuck was wrong with him?

Ever since the blonde's incident with Jibae, Wooyoung has noticed that his surroundings were noticeably more distinct, his senses seemed to be upped to the absolute extreme.

It was kind of overwhelming.

Everything was changing, and Wooyoung knew it.

Of course, the blonde hadn't been told that he himself was actually a vampire, but with all of his er... symptoms, it just made sense. Wooyoung has read a lot about vampires and has seen countless movies about them before so he wasn't unfamiliar with them (of course, he was one of those people), and that very fact is probably the reason why he even came to this shocking, farfetched conclusion in the first place.

He was a bloodsucker now.

Vampires are super romanticized in modern media. Just the idea of having fangs or not being able to sleep or have strange powers or anything conjured by the ancient ideas was just so appealing, especially to teenage girls. It seemed so interesting, and Wooyoung has admittedly gone through one of these phases himself.

Yet, everything he thought about the life of a vampire went down the drain this morning.

Wooyoung was scared of himself.

He knew that all of this was just something he needed to get used to, but he had no guidance. His knowledge of vampire fiction may have helped him determine his current state, but he didn't know what about it was true or what was fantasized.

But he couldn't exactly wait around and contemplate or find out himself.

Life moves on whether we like it or not.

Though this change happened to him so suddenly, Wooyoung couldn't just drop his life for it. Over anything else, he was essentially a normal teenager. He had to keep going like one.

And that's why he was actually going to school.

The first day of high school is a milestone in itself. It's another chapter in everyone's book called life.

Wooyoung could not miss it.

This change was something that happened and the blonde just had to learn to accept it. It's something that Wooyoung needed to learn is a part of his life now.

Maybe the intensity of that statement hasn't hit him yet.

Of course, Wooyoung was obviously probably not going to tell anyone about this. There was no point in telling others because he doubted they would have any guidance.

This was just going to have to be a secret.


Okay, maybe going to school was kind of a bad idea.

Why you may ask?

The school has a lot of people.

And people have heartbeats.

And that meant they have blood running through their body.

And Wooyoung was thirsty.

Yes, a completely totally horrible idea.

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