Chapter Seven

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Wooyoung blew a sigh of relief. He never thought the phrase "saved by the bell" would apply to his life so much ever.


Wooyoung's thirst was getting extremely unbearable.

He couldn't sit still.

He was so thirsty.

The blonde squeezed his eyes shut. It was only about ten minutes into the first period of his first day of school and he still couldn't handle it.

Wooyoung didn't know what to do. His thirst was the only thing on his mind, his brain screaming at him to feed. His whole existence shuddered, craving something that Wooyoung couldn't obtain.

Resisting the urge was kind of painful too. The trick he tried before to focus away from the beating drums of the heartbeats of everyone around him was starting to fail.

Wooyoung couldn't handle this.

He was so thirsty.

Wooyoung's eyes shot open, his pupils frantically wandering around the room for anything that could help him out.

Obviously, there wasn't anything.

Unless he could drink something other than blood.

Thirst blinding his judgment, the blonde's hands shot out, grabbing the bottle of Gatorade sitting next to Yunho's stuff. With shaky hands, Wooyoung quickly opened the orange cap and began to chug.

The liquid flowed down his throat, shivers stemming through his body. His pale hands began to tremble as he drank even faster.

Wooyoung barely even heard the small sound of protest coming from Yunho's direction.

The blonde finished the colored drink within seconds, slamming the plastic bottle onto the table in front of him.

But he was still so fucking thirsty.

Wooyoung then noticed that every single pair of eyes in the classroom was trained onto him.

Still shaking, the blonde turned his attention to his teacher, seeking relief for his desires. "C-can I go get some w-water?"

Clearly confused, the teacher gave Wooyoung a short and hesitant nod.

As soon as Wooyoung got approval to leave, the blonde bolted out of the classroom, almost tripping as he made his way through the door. The hallways were barren.

Wooyoung's sneakers made small squeaking noises as he made his way over to the nearest water fountain. Without control and full of desperation, the blonde slammed his palm into the button on the side of the hydration machine, a steady stream of water now coming out.

Please let this relieve his thirst.

Almost animalistic, Wooyoung shoved his mouth into the stream of water and drank.

The blonde didn't know how long he stayed standing right there in front of the drinking fountain, the amount of water he was consuming was probably dangerously high.

For a normal human at least.

Each gulp of water seemed to temporarily relieve his thirst slightly for just a second, but right after it came back.

This clearly wasn't working.

Defeated, Wooyoung stood back up but kept his palm still on the button, staring at the stream of water as it came out of the fountain. The blonde eyed the water with a certain bitterness.

He needed help.

Frustrated, Wooyoung slammed his other hand into the other side of the fountain, letting out a small growl.

But then something happened.

Wooyoung froze, staring as the water in the fountain began to literally freeze over.

The blonde stumbled back, eyes widened in shock.

Did he just do that?

The water was now a very clear solid, the florescent light flowing through the cold crystals. It looked like winter came early.

Wooyoung stared at the ice.

Clearly, there were things that he was just discovering about his new self and with his lack of experience there was something that was now put into light:

Wooyoung needed guidance. This isn't something he could handle on his own.

A/N i think i already screwed up the book lol oops

also be like Wooyoung, stay hydrated. go drink water right now. ill know if you didn't (lvlyminchan)


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