Chapter Sixteen

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There were fang marks on the victim's neck.


Finding a dead body in the middle of the hallway on your second day of high school was something literally nobody expected. The last class of the day was extremely tense, an odd air encasing every single person in the school. The teachers were trying to get the students through the rest of the day, trying so hard to discount the situation but in reality, they were all in states of panic under their facades of maturity.

The administration didn't know what to do. Of course, the police were called, but other than that, they had no idea whether or not to keep the school in session and try to make everything normal, or on the other hand cancel school and put the situation into the light that it should be put in. After all, one of their own students got murdered in such a public place.

Some of the students were rather curious, but of course, who wouldn't be? Even if you felt fear from the situation, you couldn't help but wonder what the hell happened in that hall.

But Wooyoung was pretty sure he knew what happened.

A vampire killed that innocent boy.

The blonde didn't know why any vampire would kill a random kid or why any person would kill a random kid for that matter.

It's just so morally wrong.

Who would do such a thing?


Like a responsible person, Wooyoung decided to text the people that he thought would probably know something about the uncomfortable murder: Hongjoong and Seonghwa.

The vampires decided to meet up when the sun touched the horizon, near where they saw the Goemul together for the first time.

All the blonde had to do was wait.

"Wooyoung! It's time to eat!"

Right, he had to go "eat" dinner.

One of the main issues that had come to light after Wooyoung became dead was the fact that he couldn't eat normal food. Of course, he could just skip the mealtimes, but if he just doesn't eat in front of others, it'd look pretty suspicious.

So Wooyoung came up with this kind of weird method to get by at least somewhat normally.

The first thing that Wooyoung did was just show up as late as possible. If he showed up late, he'd have 1. less time to pretend to eat food and 2. a better chance that the people he was eating with are almost finished eating, so they'd probably leave earlier.

Then when he actually has to put the food in his mouth, he chews slowly and just keeps it in his mouth. He can't swallow it at all.

The blonde asked Hongjoong and Seonghwa what would happen if he swallowed food and they said that it just wouldn't digest, which made sense. Since he was dead, there was no blood flow, meaning that all of his organs just wouldn't work.

The chewed food would probably just sit in his stomach indefinitely.

So instead of swallowing, the blonde spits it out during his frequent bathroom breaks.

And also, of course, he couldn't take bathroom breaks every single minute because that would probably be more suspicious than just straight up not eating, so he takes only like two.

And finally, Wooyoung does other things to make the illusion that he is eating like move the food around his plate (like that one trick you do to make it look like you ate food as a child) or just straight-up talk more than usual because its kind of common sense that you can't talk while eating.

Wooyoung could probably refine his method, but it works for now and nobody thought it was too suspicious.

Or they did and they just didn't say.


"So what did you want to see us for?"

The blonde let out a kind of nervous chuckle. "Uh, something interesting happened at school today, and I want to see if you guys knew anything about it."

Wooyoung was currently meeting with the other friendly vampires, here at the meeting place they decided. The night was on the brink of starting, the light slowly turning to darkness.

Hongjoong adjusted his jacket, shivering slightly from the crisp, almost night air. "Explain."

Wooyoung let out a sigh. "Um... there was a dead body in one of the hallways at school."

The blue-haired and dark-haired males looked at each other for a second, Seonghwa raised an eyebrow. "A dead body? Okay, that's kind of creepy, but why tell us? What does that have to do with us?"

The blonde averted his eyes to the ground. "Well, I noticed that there were fang marks on the victim's neck-"

Hongjoong's eyes widened, looking over to Seonghwa. "What!? Oh my god. It's probably the Goemul, they're the only other vampires currently in the area."

The dark-haired male bit his lip in thought. "Why would they do that though? I don't see them as the kind of group to do some kind of public killing... unless..."

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Unless what?"

Hongjoong let out a huff, finishing Seonghwa's thought.

"Unless they knew you were there. It's probably a threat."

A/N sorry there were no updates in the past two days, my teacher assigned a six page essay and i had SATs (a standardized test) today so that was fun.

before school today my dad sat me down and told me that i have to get at least a 1500 on the SAT which if you don't know, is completely unreasonable. My scores on practice tests have been averaging around 1250 which by the way is 93rd percentile (higher than 93% of students) so I'm pretty sure I'm a disappointment because 1500 is so unreasonable like bruh i studied but i literally cant raise my average by 250 that literally just is impossible. and then after that he told me that i should get that score so i could go study and become an engineer and then marry a girl and have children to carry on his name and like bruh. all i want to do right now is kiss this boy i like and produce music leave me alone.

anyways to lighten the mood, happy 1k reads! idk how but i think this might be one of my fastest growing books like what. thank you all!


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