Chapter Twenty-Eight

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And that's when Yeosang's eyes fluttered open, his gaze familiar yet so different now that he changed.

Wooyoung froze, making direct eye contact with his now undead best friend. "Yeo?"

Yeosang jumped slightly, terror filling his facial expression as he began to glance around the space. "H-huh? W-Woo? What's... h-happening?"

Yeosang looked visibly different. His skin was a shade lighter, his body more filled out. The blonde now knew why he was questioned so much when he came back to society after his change.

The blonde helped Yeosang sit up. "A lot of stuff, Yeo. I can explain everything."

Wooyoung's best friend rubbed his neck. "ow... Please. D-did I fall asleep or something? I had a strange... dream...(?)"

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows, staring at something behind Wooyoung.

The blonde followed his gaze, seeing that there was still ice on his carpet from his fight with the Goemul.

Yeosang looked up at Wooyoung. "Unless it was... real(?) What the..."

Wooyoung's best friend turned his head to the side, jumping slightly when he noticed that Hongjoong and Seonghwa were there. "Ack! Who are you? W-Woo? What's happening?"

The blonde didn't know where to start. How was he supposed to tell Yeosang that he killed him and turned him into a heartless monster just like him?

After debating for a few seconds, Wooyoung decided that the best choice would be just to be blunt. "You're not alive anymore."

Yeosasng's eyes visibly widened. "What!? I'm dead!? Is this the afterlife-"

Wooyoung raised a silencing hand. "No no no! Well, I mean... yeah, you're dead, but... not the afterlife."

Yeosang's facial expression radiated confusion. "Zombie? Am I a zombie?"




"Er... vampire?"

The blonde gave him a sad smile. "Bingo."

Yeosang immediately took his fingers and put them in his mouth to feel his teeth, his eyes widening even more when he presumably felt his pointy canines, his body getting shaky from panic. "Oh my god. This c-can't be real. W-what did you do to m-me?"

Wooyoung laid a comforting, pale hand on his best friend's shoulder. "Everything's going to be okay, Yeo, I'll explain everything."


Wooyoung, with the help of the other two friendly vampires, helped explain everything to his best friend.

Yeosang was very tentative and understandably scared at first. Everything was so different, and Wooyoung knew exactly what he was feeling.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa, after introducing themselves as friends, explained some vampire lore and answered some deeper questions that Wooyoung couldn't answer.

They answered almost all of Yeosang's questions, and right now Hongjoong and Seonghwa were out with the new vampire to feed.

The blonde stayed back to clean his room, because well, it was such a mess. Bloodstains littered the carpet, a couple of streaks of ice covered parts of the room. It looked kind of like a battlefield.

As Wooyoung began to bleach the bloodstains off of the floor, his mind started to wander to the events from earlier.

He never expected to drag his best friend into this mess.

Yeosang was a person that Wooyoung cared for a lot. The pair have known each other for basically all of their lives and the blonde honestly couldn't think of his life without Yeosang.

Wooyoung didn't want Yeosang to feel the burden of being an undead monster.

The blonde's own life has changed so much for the worst and he never wanted to share this experience with anybody.

But the other choice was for Yeosang to die and never come back and Wooyoung could never see himself choosing that option.

But did that mean he was selfish? Did he choose the best option?

The blonde shuddered as he moved on from the bloodstains since he needed to leave the bleach on them for a bit, to the ice littering his room. He couldn't shake the feeling that what he did was wrong.

When Yeosang awoke from the change, he was terrified, and Wooyoung could never forget that.

Yeosang was scared and it was all his fault.

The blonde's monstrous actions caused his best friend to be so scared of himself and that thought made the blonde shake.

And that thought only just reminded Wooyoung of the kind of monster he had become.

His actions caused pain with more consequences than he initially thought.


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