Chapter Twenty-Nine

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⚠️⚠️This part contains some mentions and descriptions of blood and murder. Please be safe. ⚠️⚠️

His actions caused pain with more consequences than he initially thought.


It's been a week since when Yeosang died and became undead, and too much has happened.

First of all, the Goemul straight up disappeared. The blonde has not heard from them ever since that one day and that could mean one of three things.

1. The Goemul were planning something big, using their absence from the world as time to create something far disastrous than before.

2. They were waiting for Wooyoung to go insane from the actions that happened, waiting for the self-inflicted consequences to kick in.


3. They gave up and didn't care anymore.

Now obviously, the blonde highly doubted that it was the third option. The group of evil monsters seemed to want nothing other than for Wooyoung to join them. There was absolutely no way that they would've gone through all of that to just give up. That would seem far too out of character.

Wooyoung kind of thought that the first option was most plausible. It just seemed right that they would be planning to do something to even more drive Wooyoung to choose their side.

Or they could simply just be doing the second option because that was already happening at this very moment. The blonde was going insane and was having relapses every day about the nightmare that became his life. His drive to insanity was starting to get out of hand.

With one of the reasons being that his thirst for blood has been coming back.

But it wasn't the craving for simple animal blood, no.

He's been craving human blood.


Wooyoung sobbed as he laid down on the dirty forest floor, not even caring that dirt was literally being embedded into his clothing.

The ground surrounding the blonde was littered with countless marred animal corpses, each one drained to the point that their veins were dryer than the Sahara.

Wooyoung went out to feed that night, but the experience broke the blonde to his core.

Each animal he drained was never enough, their blood now tasting cheap and old. None of them seemed to satisfy his thirst, their blood only seemingly having the same effects on him as plain water.

Due to the unsatisfying effects of the drinking, it caused the blonde to become so frustrated, and that anger reflected onto his actions. Wooyoung caught and tore animals apart with his bare teeth in order to try and satisfy his seemingly unquenchable thirst, growling at any disturbance in the night.

It was as if he became an animal himself.

A monster.

It was only after Wooyoung brutally murdered and fed on every single animal in a fifty-meter radius did he realize what he had done.

And that's how we ended up here, sobbing on the ground because Wooyoung could only think about the kind of inhumane monster he had become.

And through all of that torture of being an emotionless hungry killer, he was still as thirsty as before.

The blonde so desperately wanted to turn back time, he wanted so much to just go back to how his life was before: normal and very human. He wished he could go back to a time where he wasn't scared of his own actions. He wished he could go back to a time where he didn't have to fear himself as a person.

But he couldn't.

Wooyoung didn't know how long he laid there on the forest floor, but he eventually stood up, his legs shaky. The blonde's eyes only just wandered around the space around him, realizing that it looked like a whole battlefield.

Wooyoung squeezed his eyes shut and began to walk off. He didn't even want to think about what just occurred, but everywhere he looked just reminded him of what he became.

The blonde trudged towards the direction of his own neighborhood, sighing as his sneakers made contact with the asphalt of the road.

He was still so thirsty, but there wasn't really anything else he could do other than suppress it.

The blonde shuffled up to his own house, reaching out to unlock and open his front door when-

"Bark! Bark!"

Wooyoung froze, slowly turning to see Mingi's dog, Jibae staring at him from his neighbor's yard.

Jibae let out another series of loud barks as the blonde stared at the dog. What was he doing outside?

But that wasn't what Wooyoung was focusing on.

The sound of Jibae's heartbeat was far louder and intriguing in his ears than the barks.

The blonde felt his body move on his own towards the dog, only stopping when he was about a meter in front of the small animal. Jibae visibly cowered, his barks sounding more panicked.

Wooyoung knew that this was wrong. He was not going to feed from Mingi's dog. He was not.

But his thirst clouded his rational thought, his animalistic urges causing him to do something he'd regret.

The blonde subconsciously let out a growl as he swiped his beefy arm towards the ground and picked up Jibae off the ground. Without a second thought, Wooyoung stuck his fangs into the dog's neck, the animal beginning to struggle.

Jibae's alert barks began to slow down and weaken until it diminuendoed down to just whimpers as Wooyoung began to drink. The red liquid went down his throat, the feeling not bringing as much satisfaction as the blonde wished it would.

Jibae's heart eventually stopped beating, his body now being deprived of blood. As soon as Wooyoung realized what he did, he dropped Jibae's corpse to the grass.


Wooyoung took a step back, his eyes widening.

He just killed Mingi's dog.

Oh my god.

The blonde frantically looked up at Mingi's house to see if for some reason the redhead was watching his actions, but he only saw his reflection in the dark window. Wooyoung's clothes were stained with dirt and red, blood dripping down the sides of his mouth and down his chin. The blonde's hair was also quite tousled, looking dirty and streaky. Wooyoung's eyes were also now glowing an icy blue color, surprising him slightly because he's never seen his eyes glow.

He looked like a monster.

A/N rip jibae :( pay your respects here 😔


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