Chapter Thirteen

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Wooyoung opened up the school gate that was for some reason unlocked, walking in to return back to a life that had the illusion of normal.


"Wooyoung? Where the hell were you all day!?"

The blonde blinked. This was definitely not the first thing he thought he'd hear when he entered the last period of the day, but it definitely wasn't unprecedented.

Wooyoung barely made it before tardiness. Somehow, the blonde managed to get his stuff and book it to his last class, all within less than a minute.

Maybe it was because of his new vampire reflexes, focus, and physiology.

The blonde took his seat next to his friend, adjusting his shirt and cringing slightly when his fingertips ran over the dried blood on the fabric. "Uh... What do you mean?"

"What do you mean what do you mean? Yunho, Yeosang, and I were looking for you, and apparently, you haven't been in class.  Did you sneak off? Did you meet someone? Did you ditch with some hot chick? Oh wait, nevermind, you're g-"

Wooyoung groaned, rubbing his temples with a pale hand. "Jongho. Stop. I just... er... got kind of sick(?) so I was... at the nurse. Th-that's all."

The blonde was a bit surprised that he managed to come up with such a lie that kind of made sense within mere seconds.

Jongho quirked an eyebrow. "Uh, okay then. Kinda sucks that had to happen on our first day. Are you feeling okay, now? Do you have a fever?"

Wooyoung gave a short nod, turning his broad shoulder along with the rest of his body towards the younger male. "Uh, I don't think so. I am n-"

Jongho reached out with his young hand, placing the back of his slender fingers onto the blonde's forehead. "Are you sic-"

Wooyoung didn't realize what Jongho was doing until a few seconds too long passed. The blonde jerked his body back into his chair inhumanely fast. He couldn't let Jongho touch him like that, because-

"What the... you're freezing(?) Like ice col-"

Jongho's words were interrupted by the teacher loudly yelling, the chatter between all of the other peers immediately diminishing to stark silence.

Wooyoung took a risky glance towards the younger, who now had an expression of utter confusion etched onto his young face. Jongho's eyebrows were furrowed deeply, his eyes unfocused, clearly in thought.

It was clear that Jongho knew something wasn't right.

The blonde let out a small sigh of relief as the teacher began to talk. Jongho couldn't ask him anything now.

That was a bit too close for comfort.


Class went by quicker than he thought, and soon enough, Wooyoung found himself back at his own home. Thankfully, Jongho seemed to forget about the happenings at the beginning of the class, so Wooyoung didn't have to be at the intimidating end of an interrogation once again.

The blonde didn't really have much to do as 1. Since he missed half of his classes, he didn't get much homework, and 2. The homework he did have wasn't much anyways because it was only the first day.

So yeah.

What Wooyoung usually would've done in his middle school days after school when he had extra time was take a nap.

But clearly, that wasn't an option anymore.

The blonde made his way to his living room. The last thing that Wooyoung could think of to do was to play some video games on his console. It felt kind of unproductive, but what else was he supposed to do?

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