Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Yeah, that's right. Just... hopefully we can think of a solution quickly because it's clear now that something is going to happen in the near future."


When Seonghwa said that something is going to happen in the near future Wooyoung didn't know that it'd be literally the next day.

The blonde just wanted to take a walk around the school, you know? Class was getting boring, so he just asked to "go to the bathroom" when in reality he just went out to walk through the halls aimlessly.

Everyone does that.


Well, Wooyoung just wanted to go back to class since he's been walking around for far too long to be going to the bathroom.

But once he turned the corner of the hallway, he was met with the three looming figures of the Goemul. 


Wooyoung blinked as he stared at the figures.

"Hello, Wooyoung."

The blonde looked down the hallway behind the figures, mentally blowing a sigh of relief (because he couldn't blow a real one, because um, he doesn't breathe) as he noticed no one was back there.

The figure in the front continued to speak. "We are-"

Wooyoung crossed his arms. "Um, what? What do you want from me? You disappear for like a month and then come back to confront me just like that?" The blonde snapped his fingers. "Bitch, you're just like my dad after he went to go get milk... except for the fact that he never came back, but-"

One of the Goemul members, the one with the raspy voice, growled and turned to the others. "What? Did it not work? Why is he not begging to join our-"

Okay, yes the Goemul may have done some rather intimidating things, but how could they be this stupid?

Wooyoung interrupted, putting on his best bitch face. "Are you fucking serious? You think that because you made me kill my own friend, that that would make me bEg tO jOin yOu. Hello? Are you even listening to yourself? No! Go away, nobody loves you, not even Cupid could make anyone fall in love with your ugly ass faces and mentally deficient stupidity."

The Goemul figure in the middle's jaw dropped. "You dare defy-"

Wooyoung was sick of these shits. They are so messed up.

The blonde pushed his way through the figures and continued down the hallway, flicking a hand back as if to gesture for them to leave. "No 🥰."

One of the dark figures rushed in front of Wooyoung, stopping him from walking any further with a hand. The figure's voice had a tinge of darkness and anger, somehow sounding very controlling and convincing. "We'll let you go for now, but just know, just know, that we'll be back, and if you don't decide to join us on taking over this wasteful earth, everyone in this school will die."

Wooyoung felt a chill go through his body.

The figure continued. "You have until next Monday. Next time you step foot into this school on that day, you should start fearing for the lives of others, because apparently, you care way too much about them."

The figures three disappeared.

The blonde took a step back, regaining his composure as he gripped his shirt.

Geez, what the hell was that?

Wooyoung began to walk, but much slower than usual.

The blonde was a bit shaken up. This was something he never expected, but it gave him a few answers.

Wooyoung now knew what was happening. They were about to mass murder a bunch of innocent children just to convince him now.

This was getting absolutely motherfucking ridiculous.

The words rang in Wooyoung's ears as he walked into his classroom, making his way to his seat.

You have until next Monday.

Wooyoung needed to tell Hongjoong and Seonghwa quick. They needed to do something as soon as possible because they can't let another convincing method slide.

They needed to find a method to get rid of them permanently because now they have a deadline.

A/N we're getting closer and closer to the end oh ho. how do you think woo joong and hwa are going to permanently get rid of the goemul? any ideas or theories?

also shoutout to AmberARMY1 and WooLaLaaaaa for sending food last chapter lol. i got the food thank you very much :)


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