Chapter Seventeen

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"Unless they knew you were there. It's probably a threat."


"Hey, San!"

The called boy turning, smiling as soon as his eyes met with those of the speaker. "Hey, Wooyoung. Aren't you glad it's Friday?"

The blonde let out a short but happy sigh. "Oh yeah. It's only been a week yet it feels like it's been years."

Today was the last day of the first week of school.

The incident with the dead body still wanders the minds of many of the students, but it's not as prominent as before. The news came in to report on it and the police are investigating, but other than that, the shock has worn off to the point that it isn't as interesting.

Yet, unlike the others, the strange killing has really been eating Wooyoung's insides from the inside out.

Ever since Hongjoong mentioned that it was probably a threat, it all clicked together.

This was probably what the Goemul meant when they said they were going to make Wooyoung join them. They were going to kill an innocent person just to scare the blonde into joining their ranks.

But at this point, it was kind of the opposite effect.

This innocent killing gave Wooyoung another, bigger reason why not to join them.

The three good vampires don't really know what to do next. Hongjoong and Seonghwa may be able to temporarily injure the main Goemul vampires every night, but they were currently searching for a more permanent solution. They needed a way to end this before its too late. Who knows what they would do if Wooyoung doesn't join them?

The future wasn't looking very bright.

Wooyoung walked next to San through the halls, the latter speaking things on his mind. "I know right? The first week of school back always seems so long and then it always seems to get shorter and shorter. It might be some mental thing. Anyways, what are you planning to do this weekend?"

The blonde shrugged. "I really don't know. I'll probably play some games or... hang out with friends(?)"

The brown-haired boy gave a short nod. "Ah. Well, I do have a figure skating competition this weekend... er... the second round of one. Do you want to come to see me perform?"

Wooyoung stopped walking for a second, excited. "Ooh, yes! Sure, I'm down."

One of the things that Wooyoung thought was cool about San was that he was a figure skater. Ever since the brown-haired boy told him that he figure skated while the pair were whispering to each other during fifth period on Tuesday, the blonde was honestly intrigued. He has never met a figure skater, and the art form was so fascinating. Being graceful on ice was something only the talented could do, and San looked like he would be perfect for doing just that.

San gave a short nod. "Cool! I'll text you the details later."

Wooyoung gave a thumbs up. "That would be-"

"Hey, Wooyoung!"

The blonde turned his head to see his other friends, Yeosang and Yunho.

The blonde huffed, turning back to San. "Ah, my friends are calling me. I guess I'll see you around, San."

San smiled a really pretty smile. "Alright, see you, Woo."

Wooyoung blinked as he watched San walk off. He didn't expect the handsome boy to call him by his nickname, but he certainly didn't mind.

Then Yunho's skyscraper-like figure filled his vision. "Hey, man, who was that?"

The blonde stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Uh, that was just a really friendly guy I met during fifth period. His name is San."

Yeosang, who was now standing right next to Wooyoung. "Huh. I think I recognize him from Geometry. He's pretty cool from what I saw."

Yunho let out a playful chuckle. "Lol, Wooyoung's already replacing us."

The blonde playfully slapped the tree-like boy's bicep. "No way. You guys are irreplaceable."

Yeosang shook his head, speaking over the minute bell which just rang.

"Of course not! Come on, let's get to class."

A/N the fact that each chapter in this is getting an average of 50 reads within 48 hours of posting amazes me like huh why are so many people reading my book i don't deserve this thank you so much you guys are the best :)


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