Chapter Thirty-One

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⚠️⚠️This part contains some mentions and descriptions of blood and murder, and some mild mentions of implied sexual assault. Please be safe. ⚠️⚠️

Where did that sound so familiar?


The thirst was getting unbearable.

It has only been a week since Jibae "went missing" and Wooyoung didn't even know how much more he could take, so he decided to selfishly choose his own needs over somebody else's.

He was going to feed on an actual human.

In order to make his guilt as low as possible, the blonde was going to make sure that the person that he was going to feed on was a bad person. He had to at least make sure that he wasn't going to end somebody that was more innocent than not.

So that's why Wooyoung was currently outside, outside of a bar, hearing somebody calling for help in the alley nextdoor.

The blonde knew that he probably got some looks as he ran over after hearing the screams about a mile away. His undead physique really helped be able to get to his destination in barely half a minute. Wooyoung could run inhumanely fast.

Usain Bolt is literally quaking.

The blonde peeked into an alley, seeing two figures stand there, one in a more compromising position than the other. One of them seemed to be a rather short lady, her clothes a bit messed up but quite bright, quite fitting for the bar scene. The other one, a man looming over the lady, was wearing dark colors, his stance radiating overconfidence and smugness.

The lady yelled out, hitting the man with her small purse. "Get away from me you creep!"

The man let out a playful yet disturbing chuckle, a tone in his voice hitting Wooyoung in all the wrong chords. "Oh come on, beautiful, don't you want to have a little fun?"

The man then reached out a dirty hand and began to grope her.

Wooyoung was honestly disgusted. The mere fact that some people could be this so disgusting and take advantage of other people, compromised or not, was horrible. People like this were always so selfish and always seemed to not care about others, and the fact that this was not not normal is a horrifying fact. Why did the world have to have so many flawed people?

At least this would make him feel less guilty. Sure, this man might have people that actually loved him, but his actions are most definitely unforgivable to anyone with a morally good conscience.

Wooyoung stepped into the shadows and snuck up to the two figures.

This felt kind of weird. He kind of felt like some sort of vigilante, sneaking up on a bad guy to save the good.

Oliver Queen is quaking.

Wooyoung cleared his throat rather loudly, causing the man, who was attempting to do something sinful, freeze. "Hello."

The man turned around, putting his hands up in fists. "Wh-who's there?"

The lady took that as an opportunity to run off, her fancy shoes clacking loudy against the concrete.

Wooyoung didn't know what to do now. Did he want to intimidate the shit? Or did he want to just casually kill him?

He didn't know.

Maybe he should've planned this out earlier.

After a second's deliberation, Wooyoung decided to jab at his human nature and guilt trip him to death.

The blonde stayed still in the shadows, staring out at the man who was still frantically looking around. "What were you doing just now, eh? Did you really think you could just take advantage of somebody like that?"

The man trembled. "Wh-what? I don't- I didn't d-do anything."

"I saw everything. How can you be such a little worthless shit to do something so low? Do you know how it feels, or are you just too stuck-up and selfish to even care about other people? Do you understand who you are!?"

The man was now staring in Wooyoung's direction. "What? Wh-what do you mean? Who are you? Leave me alone!"

"Did you leave that lady alone when she told you the same thing?"


Wooyoung growled, taking a step forward. "Then why should I fulfill your wishes too?"

The man took a cautious step forward, a rather brave move yet it was quite clear that his courage was fabricated. The man's fear seemed to diminish slightly as he seemed to notice Wooyoung himself. "What? You're just a kid! How can you do anything to me-"

The blonde noticed that the area began to glow a subtle icy blue color. He knew that the glow was probably emitting from his eyes, the same as the occurrence that happened when he first killed Jibae. Wooyoung lowered his voice as far as he could, making sure to show off of his fangs. "I'm more that just a kid."

The man's eyes visibly widened. "What the fuck? What even are you?"

The blonde threw his arm out, his hand gripping around the man's neck. "The last thing you'll ever see, you horrible scum."

Yells came from the alleyway, but not from the first victim, because the attacker became the new one for doing things that are so morally wrong.

A/N thank you all for 3k! hows yalls days going?


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