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The dark man stared out of the window, his fists clenched as he stared at the blue sky.

Something went wrong and he could feel it.

They failed the mission.

The dark man perked up slightly as he heard the door creak open, the familiar short man stumbling in. "Sir! I hate to inform you, but-"

The dark man's eye twitched slightly, his voice coming out deep and rough. "I know what happened and I'm not very happy about that."

The shorter man fidgeted. "W-what are y-you going t-to do about it? Is th-there-"

"Oh. I think I know. That little boy," The dark man couldn't help, but let venom seep into his voice in the next word, "Wooyoung. He will find that his little sunshine and rainbows happy glitter land will be destroyed because there is no way I'll let him go that easy."

"D-do you have a plan?"

The dark man chuckled sinisterly. "I have an idea, but we might need to call some backup."

"B-but Mr. J-Jeong-"

The dark man licked his lips, his gaze penetrating the streets below.

"This is war."

A/N oh snap. i bet there are some things in here that you might be curious about. you'll just have to wait for the outro chapter for that hehe. thanks for reading!


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