Chapter Nine

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Wooyoung jumped and let out a surprised yelp, causing ice to spread from his fingertips from where he was gripping the water fountain.


The blonde cursed slightly as he wiped the black tears from his face, turning slowly. Two figures stood in front of him, their demeanor projecting both ease and authority at the same time.

If they noticed that he did something not human, they didn't acknowledge it.

The figure on the right was quite tall and slender, his black hair hanging over one of his eyes making him look like someone going through an emo phase. The figure next to him was much shorter, dark blue hair covering his head that contrasted both of their pale complexions. Both of them had their hands intertwined, standing quite next to each other so close that you could just tell that they were close by how they held themselves.

They also looked a bit too old to be students in a high school, and they definitely didn't look dressed to be teachers.

Wooyoung didn't know what to say. He hadn't even heard these two men walk up behind him, and he would've thought that he would, considering that his senses were slowly growing more and more sharp. "u-uH hi."

Who were these people?

The shorter man chuckled, gesturing with his free hand towards the ice on the water fountain. "I see you're adjusting to your new life."

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows for a second before he realized what he said, eyes going wide. "Wait- you know about my..."

The taller man gave the shorter a playful slap. "Joongie! You ruined the fun, he wasn't supposed to know that we knew yet."

The shorter pouted. "Sorry!"

The blonde blinked. "The huh what?"

The taller man turned back towards Wooyoung, a smirk on his face. "We know."

Wooyoung was unsure. He wasn't exactly sure if he and these two strangers were on the same page, so he chose his words cautiously. "You know that I'm a...?"

"That you're a vampire? Yeah."


Guess that answers his question.

Confusion radiated off of Wooyoung's facial expression. "W-what? How?"

The shorter chuckled again. "What do you think, dumb-"

The taller man gave the shorter another slap. "Don't be rude to him! We just met him!"

"Sorry! It slipped out-"

"First impressions matter! Oh my god-"

"Hwa! I'm sorry-"

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows, tuning out of the clearly playful banter between the two men in front of him, trying to figure out how they could know about his predicament. How could they know?

There was no way that they could just guess, and there was no way they knew him before. Wooyoung has never seen these strangers in his whole life. The only explanation would be if...

Wooyoung looked up at the two curiously, seeing if his theory was correct. The two were still squabbling, but something was missing.


The two didn't have any heartbeats.

Wooyoung spoke up, his voice piercing through the bickering and immediately causing the two strangers to shut up. "Are you two vampires too?"

The taller man smirked again. "Bingo."

The blonde took a step back, his ass hitting the water fountain behind him as he impulsively spoke the first thought coming to his mind. "Are you guys the ones that changed me?"

The playful mood seemed to drop after Wooyoung spoke those fearful words.

The shorter spoke up quietly and cautiously as if something might happen if he spoke too loud. "No. We think that the ones that might've changed you were the Goemul."

Wooyoung immediately went back to being confused. "The who now?"

The taller spoke, his voice sounding inquisitive. "The Goemul. An evil vamp organization that is too focused on taking over the hierarchy of the dead, seeking power in rather unconventional ways."

Wooyoung nodded slightly, pretending that he understood even though he was as confused as before. "oh... Then who are you?"

The shorter took a step towards the blonde. "Ours and other's missions are to try and take them down. We've been fighting them for almost five-hundred years now and we need your help."

Wooyoung raised his eyebrows, jabbing his thumb into his chest. "Mine? Why me?"

"We think you might be special."

Where did that sound familiar?

The blonde shifted his weight. "What do you mean?"

The shorter man opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly the shrill bell rang, interrupting him.

Uh oh.

Students began to fill the hallway.

The taller man took a step towards Wooyoung, trying to speak over the now entering chatter of the other kids. "Can you come with us? We have a lot to tell you and there's a lot you need to know."

Wooyoung pondered for a moment before shrugging. "Uh, I think so. It is technically my lunch period right now."

"Alright, cool. Follow us."

A/N the next chapter is going to have a lot of contextual and historical stuff, and i think it'll be fun to write and read. :)


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