Chapter Thirty-Two

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Yells came from the alleyway, but not from the first victim, because the attacker became the new one for doing things that are so morally wrong.


"Hey, Yeo, how's your day- er- night going?"

Yeosang gasped slightly as Wooyoung jumped down from one of the tall trees in the forest near their neighborhood, his landing almost perfect and crisp.

The blonde wanted to catch up with his best friend since he hasn't really had a conversation with him without Hongjoong and Seonghwa since he changed. Wooyoung wanted to make sure that Yeosang was doing okay, and that he was adjusting to his new life okay. After all, this was all Wooyoung's fault.

Yeosang stared at the blonde with wide eyes. "Where the hell did you come from?"

Wooyoung chuckled, pointing a pale finger up to the sky. "The stars."

Wooyoung's best friend shook his head playfully, beginning to walk into the forest. "You're ridiculous."

The blonde ran up to next to his best friend, walking in line with him. "No, I'm not. Don't say that."

"Pfft, yeah, sure."

Wooyoung ran a hand through his hair, rolling his eyes. "It's true! Anyways, how are you doing, Yeo. Is everything okay in your er... new life?"

Yeosang shrugged. "I mean, I don't really know. This is all so sudden and I guess it's okay now, but... I've finally accepted it."

Wooyoung looked over at his friend, his face being illuminated by the moonlight. "That's good. I'm glad that you're at least okay with everything."

"Right. Maybe it was because I knew that you have gone through a similar thing. I didn't feel alone. How... how did you become a vampire in the first place? I know that you became one before me, and by the amount of knowledge and ease you possess, it seems you've been like this for a long time."

The blonde shoved his hands in his pockets. "I actually was turned only about a month before you, and... the only reason I'm so knowledgeable is that I'm not a um... regular vampire. Did Seonghwa and Hongjoong brief you on the Goemul?"

Yeosang gave a short nod. "Uh, yeah, briefly. They're the evil vampire organization, right?"

"Pretty much. Did they tell you about how powers are genetic too? What are your powers anyways?"

Yeosang looked up to the stars. "Yeah, they told me that too. I found out the other day that I have some sort of power relating to natural synthesis and terramanipulation. I can make dirt fly and foster the growth of plants."

Wooyoung quirked an eyebrow. "Oh really? That's cool. It sounds kind of similar to Hongjoong's."

Yeosang shrugged. "Eh. He told me that his works on anything living and is about cell structure which is a bit different than mine. I guess it's kind of similar when talking about plants."

"Ah, I see. Anyways, we just got super off track, oops, what were we talking about before?"

Yeosang furrowed his eyebrows. "Uh, I think... oh, right, you were going to talk to me about how you got turned."

Wooyoung let out a short nod. "Oh, right. So basically, my powers, the power to form and manipulate ice and drop temperatures, is very rare as every person that had it was killed by the Goemul. Well, except for one of my ancestors. My powers are very dangerous, and I would know because I literally almost killed myself with them, and they want to use my powers to well... to put it very blunt, eradicate humanity and take over the earth for themselves."

Yeosang stopped walking, causing Wooyoung to also stop. "Okay, what the fuck? That is actually really scary."

The blonde nodded vigorously. "I know, right? After I was turned against my will because they wanted to use me, Hongjoong and Seonghwa found me and helped me out, even though many things happened since then."

Yeosang began to walk again, Wooyoung starting again also. "Ah, I see. I never knew this was happening."

The blonde let out a sigh. "That's the issue. The average person would not be aware of this at all. Pretty much the three of us... now four because I told you, are the only people that know that aren't on their side. This is something so scary, and I really hope that I can use what they want against them to end their anticipated plans."

Yeosang nodded slightly. "Damn, I'd help, but I don't feel like this is my fight to fight. Plus, I'm not sure if I'd be of any of help since I'm not even very skilled or anything."

Wooyoung shrugged. "It's your choice, please don't feel pressured to fight just because I'm there. I'm giving you something that they didn't give to me. A choice to fight."

"Thank you for that. Anyways, to lighten the mood, how fast can you run? I've gotten pretty fast!"

Wooyoung shook his head playfully. "Oh, you think you can outrun me? I've been undead longer than you, I am so faster than you. Just like when we play video games, you'll lo-"

Yeosang began to sprint, yelling over his shoulder. "Then try to keep up!"

Wooyoung grinned, sprinting after his best friend.

"Oh, you're on!"

A/N this chapter was rather fanservicey, i hope you liked it!

by the looks of it, this book is probably going to exceed forty chapters which is kind of insane like, I've never had a book that long. my outline literally has twenty-nine planned, but since i had to extend some scenes and add some, the book is going on much longer than i thought. well i guess that means more content for yall haha


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