Chapter Fifteen

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⚠️⚠️This part contains some slight mentions and graphic descriptions of implied murder and blood. Please be safe. ⚠️⚠️

"Don't underestimate their power. Sure, you'd think that their words are harmless, but they could do things that you'd never expect just to get what they want. Be careful."


The second day of school didn't seem as intimidating as the first, and the general mood of every student seemed to be less tense. Nobody was nervous anymore and people were starting to get more and more familiar with high school life.

Wooyoung, on the other hand, was a bit less prepared.

Sure, he memorized his schedule and everything, but he didn't know where everything after lunch period was located in the school building.

Turns out his fourth and fifth period classes were on completely different sides of the campus.


The blonde found himself running between the two classrooms, sure he may not have to breathe or break a sweat for that matter, but the sheer distance was intimidating.

If Wooyoung was still human, he couldn't imagine doing this every single day.

The blonde was only halfway up the stairs when the minute bell rang. Wooyoung cursed. Sure, it was only the first week so being tardy wasn't as much of a big deal as any other time, but the fact that he missed the class entirely yesterday was problematic.

He should at least be on time today.

Wooyoung ran up the remainder of the stairs and threw the door open a little bit too hard, running through the almost empty halls. The blonde's eyes wandered on the number of every room looking for the right one.





Wooyoung tried to turn in time to open the door when-


The blonde ran into somebody.

Wooyoung fell to the hard floor of the school hallway, almost stereotypically falling onto the boy that he didn't see until mere seconds ago.

Uh oh.

The blonde's face was mere centimeters away from the fallen boy, his hands going to either side of the boy's head to keep himself from falling.

The first thing Wooyoung noticed was how pretty the boy's eyes were. The boy had some quite dark brown hair, the strands falling over his forehead in a perfect way even though he was in a rather compromised position. The boy's facial features were chiseled in such a way that Wooyoung would've thought a perfectionist crafted them. Not to mention, the boy's body heat felt really, really nice against Wooyoung's icy skin.

The blonde scrambled up and held a hand out to help the boy up, apologizing profusely. "Oh my g-god, I'm so sorry, ack- are you okay!? Are you hurt? I'm so sorry. Ack-"

The brown-haired boy took Wooyoung's cold hand and picked himself up, plastering a half-grin on his face after letting out a rather melodic chuckle. "You're good. Don't worry about it."

Wooyoung reached down and picked up some of the boy's stuff, handing him the fallen books. "Are you sure? I feel so bad! I hope you-"

The brown-haired boy set a hand on Wooyoung's shoulder, taking his books back with his other hand. "Hey. It's okay. Don't worry about it, man, I'm fine."

Wooyoung stopped, eyes glancing down at the perfect-looking hand on his shoulder. "Okay-"

The bell rang.

The brown-haired boy's eyes widened slightly, pointing a thumb at the door they were standing next to. "Ah. Is this your class too?"

The blonde gave a short nod. "Uhm. Yep."

"Cool. Why don't we get to class then?"

The brown-haired boy gave Wooyoung a small wink and then turned to open the door, entering the class.

The blonde was sure that if his heart was still beating it would've stopped right then and there. Damn, that boy was good-looking.


When Wooyoung got into the classroom he found out that this was one of those classes with an assigned seating chart.


The blonde, like most others, didn't like that. Assigned seating charts meant that you couldn't sit next to his friends.

Luckily, he didn't have any of his friends in that class so he wouldn't have to be disappointed when the teacher puts him on the other side of the classroom of them.

Unluckily, that meant he had to sit in between two strangers.

Or so he thought.

Wooyoung's assigned seat was next to the brown-haired boy from earlier.

Being the only person in the class he knew somewhat, he was silently thanking every single deity ever. He won't have to sit next to someone in which he couldn't judge their character on anything other than their appearance.

Thankfully, the brown-haired boy seemed to feel the same way, greeting Wooyoung warmly when he noticed the two were seatmates.

The two ended up whispering to each other for the whole class period.

Wooyoung found out that the boy's name was San (which he thought was a really pretty name, by the way), and that he liked to sing, draw pictures of random things, and figure skate. San seemed like a really artsy dude, and his interesting hobbies were almost as interesting as his good-looking face.

At the end of the period, Wooyoung and San walked out of the room side-by-side, still in conversation. "Ugh, one last class of the day then I can finally go back home and sleep. What's your next class?"

Wooyoung licked his chapped lips in thought, gripping the straps of his backpack. "Uh, I think it's-"

Suddenly, a loud shriek pierced through the hallway.

The blonde looked over at the brown-haired boy, San voicing the exact thoughts running through his head. "What the hell was that?"

Wooyoung eyed a group of students congregating in the middle of the hall, a couple of teachers frantically trying to organize the distraught scene. Murmurs filled the halls, the confusion seeming to crescendo.

What was happening?

The blonde made his way through the group of students, pushing his way to the front. His curiosity was getting the best of him; he needed to know what was happening.

That's when Wooyoung saw it.

It was something that he never thought he'd see at school.

There was a body on the floor, and it looked very dead.

The body seemed to be one of a boy about the same age as Wooyoung, a large gash placed right in the center of his torso. The body was placed in the center of what was seemingly his own red blood, his lifeless eyes staring out at nothingness.

Wooyoung saw San push his way through the students to stand right next to him out of the corner of his eye, the brown-haired boy's eyes widening as he saw the new focal point of the hallway. "What the hell!? What happened!?"

The blonde shrugged shakily, eyes trailing over the horror.

And that's when he noticed it.

Wooyoung felt ice spread from his fingertips to his backpack straps.

There were fang marks on the victim's neck.

A/N oh snap


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