Chapter Thirty-Six

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They needed to find a method to get rid of them permanently because now they have a deadline.


The worrying about the Goemul could wait because now Wooyoung had something else to worry about.

The da- hang out that San invited him to.

San told Wooyoung to meet him at the skating rink in an hour, and the blonde was currently in a state of absolute panic.

What was he supposed to wear?

Wooyoung dug through his closet, muttering a bunch of "no"s as he threw each article to the side.

The blonde ran a hand through his hair, frustrated.

Why did he care so much about what he was wearing?

It's not like it was a date or anything. It's not like it's just a small hang-out one-on-one with his crush, no.

It's not.

It's not.

If it's not, then why does he care so much?

Wooyoung pulled out his phone and dialed his best friend, the phone picking up after two rings.


"Yeo, help me, oh my god, I'm panicking."

A chuckle came out from the other end of the line. "What's up now, Woo?"

The blonde began to pace through the room. "I- well- I... er... um..."

How was he supposed to word this without making it sound like he liked San? Nobody knew that he had a crush on the boy.

Or so he thought.

"Uh... well, San invited me to... uh... go i-ice skate w-with him... and I wa- don't kn-know... don't know what to w-wear(?) haha heh...ha...(?)"

Way to go, Wooyoung. Way to sound normal.

"Oh really now? Is this some sort of date? Do you liiiiiiiiiiiiiike him?"

Wooyoung blinked. "W-what?"

"You sound way too nervous for this to mean any less to you than something rather romantic."

The blonde sighed. "Okay, but... er... maybeIdolikehim, but that's not the point! What do I... wear?"

Yeosang chuckled. "Ah, I see. Well, I'd say... hmm... if you're going ice skating, then you should probably wear something warm, but not too heavy... like your jean jacket, you know the one with the fur on the inside? You should wear that one. I think San would like that, haha."

Wooyoung walked over to his closet and picked up said jacket. "Thanks, Yeo."

"No problem, Woo. Have fun on your date!"

"It's not a date! I mean I... wishitwas... wait... no I don't! Ugh... bye, Yeo, thanks again..."

Wooyoug hung up as Yeosang began to chuckle again.

The blonde held up the jacket, staring at it.

Well, it's time to get ready.


Okay, Wooyoung knew that he was going to see San that day, but he didn't realize that the brown-haired boy was going to show up looking so hot.

San was sitting outside of the rink on a bench, his fingers fiddling with something on his phone. His brown hair was slicked back, kind of similar to how it was at his skating competition, but a little bit messier. A dark leather jacket hugged his figure, the color being a similar color, but a bit lighter to his black jeans.

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