Chapter Fourteen

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Wooyoung's head whipped around immediately to the source of the strange voice, eyes widening slightly when he saw who it came from.

The three dark figures that turned him stood there.

What the hell were they doing here?

The blonde took a cautious step back, gritting his teeth as he stared at his makers. "What the fuck do you want?"

The one in the front chuckled. "Feisty, eh? So, I'm sure that there are many confusing things happening to you, and you might be scared-"

Wooyoung scoffed, eyes subconsciously rolling. "Scared? Fuck you! I already know what happened to me and I don't need you to explain to me something that you did to me without my consent. Leave me the fuckity fucking fuck alone, you fucking fucktards!"

Clearly, the dark figures didn't expect that.

The one with the sandpaper-like raspy voice spoke up. "We changed you because we need your help. The human race is gradually getting stupider and they don't have the knowledge to use the earth to its maximum potential. But we do. You can help us take over and lead the new generation. Wouldn't you like that? Wouldn't you think that all of that power would be amazing? You could do anything."

Wooyoung blinked. The fact that these evil vampires thought that his morals could be so corrupt and selfish seemed so strange.

But the blonde did know that there were people out there that actually thought that way.

Luckily, he wasn't one of them.

Wooyoung plastered his face with as much disgust as he could, glaring at the corrupt trio. "No. I don't. I'll never join you so please just leave me alone."

The blonde knew that they probably won't give up that easily. From the context Hongjoong and Seonghwa gave him, they couldn't find a replacement for him. Wooyoung didn't know whether or not that was a good thing or not.

If he rejected them would they stop their plans?

Wooyoung doubted that would happen.

The dark figure blinked. "No? You dare to defy us. This is what you're meant to do!"

The blonde was bewildered. He has never heard such manipulative, stuck-up, selfish, and/or prideful words in his life. Did they think his IQ was as low as a fucking sunflower seed?

Wooyoung scoffed once again, shocked. "No, it's not! I'm my own person and you have no control over me! Get a life!"

"Tsk tsk. Fine. We'll make you."

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows. "Huh-"

"Hey! Get away from him!"

Suddenly, half of a tree went flying through the air, hitting the trio of evil vampires straight into their torsos.

The blonde's eyes widened. Where the hell did that come from?

Seeming to answer his unspoken question, two very familiar figures stepped into Wooyoung's eye line, their figures fighting off the vampire trio with such precision and grace.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa.

Wooyoung's eyes widened as he watched the battle take place in front of him.

Hongjoong grunted as he threw a punch towards one of the rising dark figures, causing them to stumble back. Said dark figure fell to the forest floor, but didn't stay grounded for long after the blue-haired vampire grabbed the figure by its shirt collar before ripping off a branch from a nearby tree, impaling the figure with it. Hongjoong gripped the branch, using his powers to grow the branch inside of the evil vampire to further root it into the body, allowing it to absorb the content of the figure's internal organs. Black, inky blood began to spread from the wound, but Hongjoong paid no mind.

Seonghwa, on the other hand, used his muscular arms to rip out a rather small tree out of the ground, throwing the living wood at the other two figures, causing them to fall back into the previous thrown tree. Seonghwa sprinted towards the figures and grabbed their necks in chokeholds before clocking both of their heads together, emitting a loud crack.

This all happened within the span of ten seconds.

The two friendly vampires ran up to the shocked blonde male."Wooyoung! Are you okay?"

Wooyoung blinked. "Uh. Yes. Whoa. That was so cool."

Seonghwa let out a chuckle. "It's just kind of normal at this point. The only issue is that-"

The dark-haired male's voice got interrupted by a loud whooshing noise, a black mist enveloping the three dead-looking vampires. As soon as the mist cleared, the three vampires were gone.

Seonghwa sighed. "-they can do that. One of their powers is this form of escape and it's so annoying. This specific trio keeps appearing and we can never get rid of them because once we think we ended them, they always prove us wrong and escape. Somehow, every single time they come back, they're completely fine."

Wooyoung tapped his fingers together. "I see. What are you doing here?"

Hongjoong shrugged. "I could ask the same to you. We're just out here making sure the Goemul don't do anything bad, but it's kind of tiring since we have to scout the whole city every night."

"Oh. I'm just here because I'm kind of bored. I didn't even expect these evil dudes to show up."

Seonghwa quirked an eyebrow. "Did they say something to you?"

Wooyoung let out a dry laugh. "Lol, yeah. They tried to get me to join them. Apparently, they think that I'm some power-hungry person that has no care for human life."

"Oof. Did they say anything else?"

Wooyoung clicked his tongue. "Uh. They did say that they were going to make me join them. As if that would happen."

Hongjoong looked unsure.

"Don't underestimate their power. Sure, you'd think that their words are harmless, but they could do things that you'd never expect just to get what they want. Be careful."

A/N guess who finally shows up next chapter ;) 


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