Chapter Twelve

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And once again, Wooyoung was following the two vampires, going to where he was supposed to be if his life was entirely normal.


Wooyoung hadn't realized how much time their little excursion took. By the time the undead trio reached the building that every single teenager hated, the blonde knew that lunch period was long gone.

But he didn't realize that it was almost last period.

Wooyoung stared at the time on his phone as he stood outside the school gates next to the other vampires, blinking as he repeatedly read the numbers on the screen.


Wooyoung ran a pale hand through the strands of his blonde hair. "I- Fuck! I missed so much school, oh my god, I'm so screwed!"

The blonde shoved his phone screen into the faces of the other vampires, frantic. "Is this real? Is this the actual time? I can't miss school! Fuck! FUCK!"

Hongjoong blinked. "Uh... I'm not as familiar with the modern education system, but school lasts for quite a while, yeah? What's the issue with missing a few hours?"

Wooyoung raised his eyebrows, his eyes the size of the moon. "Um, it's my first day of high school! This is such a big deal because this day is so monumental to every teen! It would be fine if it was any other day, but it's my first day! Damn, my teachers probably think I'm one of those kids that don't care... way to make a good first impression..."

The two older vampires looked at each other for a few seconds before looking back at the blonde. Seonghwa sighed. "We're sorry. I... I know how it feels to miss big moments in your life. Although we may live forever, the best or most important moments can never happen twice."

Wooyoung shoved his phone back into his pocket, fiddling with his pale fingers as he looked through the school gates. The blonde chuckled ironically. "Honestly... my day wasn't exactly going the best before you two came along, so... my first day was kind of ruined anyways. So... yeah. Don't feel bad."

Hongjoong was about to say something, but then the shrill ring of the bell echoed through the air. The final passing period of the day has started.

Wooyoung scratched his neck. "I need to get back. I at least don't want to miss my final class of the day."

The blue-haired male nodded. "Alright. What was that thing that parents say to their kids like in that one movie?"

Seonghwa shrugged. "Uh.... I forgot. Wasn't it-"

Hongjoong did a little jump, a smile spreading across his face. "Oh, right! Have a good day at school sweetie!"

Wooyoung shook his head playfully. "Oh my god. You guys aren't my parents. Why!?"

The dark-haired male chuckled. "We're old enough to be your great great great to the power of ten grandparents. We can do what we want."

The blonde facepalmed. "Okay, lol. You guys are so funny. You certainly don't act like well... act your age."

Hongjoong shrugged. "Honestly, a lot of people would think that we wouldn't adjust to modern culture. They see our age and they'd think we'd act historically. But in reality, since our brain function doesn't really deteriorate with age and we've actually been around, it's easy to learn about modern culture. Sure, it's kind of interesting to see things become so industrialized and advanced, but the only way we wouldn't know about this kind of stuff would be like if we lived in caves for the past five-hundred years, which didn't happen. Although there are a few things we aren't as familiar with, since we haven't experienced it ourselves, we still have better ideas of things than you might think."

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. "That surprisingly makes a lot of sense."

The blue-haired male gave Wooyoung a thumbs up. "Coolio. Anyways, get to school. We don't want to keep you any longer. Here, wait, give me your phone, I'll give you mine and Hwa's numbers just in case you need to contact us."

Seonghwa nodded as the blonde reached into his pocket and gave his phone to Hongjoong. "Yep. Or you could probably find us fighting the Goemul, although that'd probably happen at odd hours of the night. Oh, by the way, vampires don't sleep, so, uh, don't be scared if you can't sleep."

Wooyoung widened his eyes. "Oh really? That's actually... great. I can procrastinate my homework an extra eight hours!"

Hongjoong chuckled, handing back the phone. "Just don't procrastinate it too much. I've had bad experience with procrastination. See you later, Wooyoung, don't hesitate to contact us if you need help adjusting to your new life."

The blonde nodded, giving the two vampires a short wave. "Thank you for helping me out... I don't think I'd be sane anymore without your guidance."

Seonghwa smiled, returning the wave. "Of course. See you!"

And just like that, the two vampires turned and began to walk off.

Wooyoung watched as the pair's figures began to shrunk as they walked farther. It seemed the two were bantering about something.

Although Wooyoung only met the two old souls only hours ago, he felt really comfortable around them as if they were friends for ages. Maybe it was because they were so friendly, or maybe it was because they helped him get out of his crisis state and gave him guidance, Wooyoung didn't know.

But what the blonde did know was that he was happy to meet them.

Suddenly, Wooyoung's thoughts got interrupted as soon as the minute bell rang.

The blonde silently cursed. He needed to get back to school quickly, and he didn't want to be late.

Wooyoung opened up the school gate that was for some reason unlocked, walking in to return back to a life that had the illusion of normal.

A/N kind of interested to hear what you guys think of the story so far? Is it what you expected? What do you think the plot is going to go to next (its going to escalate much more than you might think.)

also i apologize that san hasn't appeared yet even though this is woosan, i promise he appears soon but i needed to give a lot of context because the content kind of requires it and i didn't expect it to span this many chapters :(


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