Chapter Forty-Three

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Though telling Mingi was hard, at least making Mingi aware of what essentially happened made the blonde slightly less guilty. Even though he himself was the one that killed the dog, he knew that those actions weren't intentional and were motivated by something that wasn't his own conscience allowed the process to be easier.


"You look really good today, Wooyoung."

Okay, the blonde totally wasn't expecting that to be the first thing that San told him after he opened the door to his own house.

Wooyoung decided to ask San to come over just so they could hang out.

"Oh, w-wow thanks. You too. Uh... do you want to come in?"

The brown-haired boy smiled. "Sure."


Before Wooyoung knew, San gave the blonde a hug and a small kiss on the cheek before walking into the house, leaving Wooyoung frozen.

What just happened?

San's chuckling figure retreated in the house as the blonde blinked. He honestly didn't expect that to happen.

After a few more seconds, Wooyoung shut the front door and ran into his house, finding San sitting on his couch. "Why'd you do that?"


The blonde blinked as he processed San's blunt answer. "Oh. Anyways, do you want to do something? We could play a game on my console. There's this one game that Yeosang is so bad at and I feel like I need a challenge. Are you good at video games?"

San perked up. "Oh really? I'd consider myself pretty good so I'm up for being a challenge. Let's go."


After they played video games for a few hours (San was far better at the game than Yeosang, sorry Yeo), the new couple decided to go outside to take a walk.

Wooyoung's cold hand was intertwined with San's warm one, the two making their way down the street.

"I'm curious. How did you become an er... vampire. Were you born like this?"

The blonde looked over at San who was looking at the sky. "Uh... no, actually... I got turned into one by those weird guys you saw in the hallway on the night before the first day of school without my consent so that's fun. Doing so has made me do so many things that I regret so... yikes."

San raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Ah, now I feel kind of... bad."

"What for?"

"I really like your vampire self because of how cool it is... but if you don't like it then I-"

Wooyoung stopped walking. "No no. Your encouragement has really helped me accept myself so it's okay."

San smiled. "Ah, okay."

The blonde couldn't help but reciprocate the smile.

The brown-haired boy chuckled. "I really like your fangs."

"Really now? I guess I'll just have to keep smiling."

San began to walk, causing Wooyoung to also continue. "Yeah. I'd like to see your smile... what kinds of things can you do as a vampire?"

The blonde scratched his neck. "Uh well... I don't need sleep, or food, or any of that stupid human shit... that was a joke."

San chuckled. "I see."

"I'm really strong now and... I also can do a lot of things with ice."

"I think I witnessed some of that. It looked cool, no pun intended."

The blonde raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to see some?"

"Sure, I-"

Wooyoung raised his free hand over San's head, beginning to make sprinkle snow onto his brown hair.

San jumped when he felt the snow touch his head. "Ack- Why would you do that!"

The blonde laughed.

The brown-haired boy jumped once, a smile spreading across his face as he wiped some of the snow out of his hair. "Wai-wai-wait. Can you put some snow in my hands?"

San held out his cupped hands expectantly.

Wooyoung raised a suspicious eyebrow. "What for?"

"Just do it!"

The blonde looked to each side just to check if there are any antics around before shrugging, beginning to sprinkle snow into San's hands.

After the pile got almost too big for his hands, San let out a sinister chuckle before taking a step back, pressing the snow together into a snowball, and throwing it at Wooyoung.

The blonde's jaw dropped when the snowball hit his chest. "You- I- What-"

San was cackling.

Wooyoung made a snowball himself and returned the favor, throwing it (lightly so it doesn't kill San) and hitting him right in the stomach.

San was no longer cackling. "What was that for!?"

The blonde raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me? You tricked me and did it to me first."

San stuck his tongue out before running off. "Bet you can't do it again."

Wooyoung formed another snowball and began to run after him. "Oh, you're on."

During his time being basically terrorized by the Goemul, the blonde pretty much didn't think he'd ever be happy because of how downhill his life kept going. Everything seemed to go to shit, but after meeting San, it all changed. San changed him and made him realize that though a dark change happened to his life, it shouldn't alter or halt his own happiness and direction of his life. Life keeps going on, and allowing something to completely take over it is bad because it can ruin who you are. Don't let something change you for the worse, stay determined to keep going in a direction that you want it to go.

And because of that, Wooyoung thinks that he could be happy again. His dark life was starting to look brighter.

Wooyoung was finally contented.

A/N okay wow, the book is finally over wtf. i cant believe it, because this is my longest book so far and one of my favorite plotlines (also my first ateez book yee yee) don't worry though because there is also a very short epilogue and an outro chapter like usual in all of my books.

thanks for reading and have a great day! i love you all!!


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