Chapter Twenty-Three

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Wooyoung was sure that if he still had blood flow he'd be blushing like crazy too.


"Is there any way that you could help me learn to control my ice powers or at least prevent myself from making my own death trap? I'd think that'd be very useful."

The blonde was currently walking next to Hongjoong and Seonghwa in the middle of the forest at 3 a.m. For some reason, Wooyoung wanted to join them that night, maybe so that he could ask some of his unanswered questions.

The dark-haired male shrugged. "I'm not sure. Neither of us could really help you there and I'm pretty sure we can't find you a teacher since, well, they're all dead, but I guess we could try."

Hongjoong twirled some of the blue strands of his hair with his short fingers. "Yeah. We could try. Otherwise, you might have to learn completely on your own. Geez, I wish there was some kind of book on vampire powers."

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. "Don't you guys know a lot about them?"

The blue-haired male shrugged. "Well, yeah, but not really your powers since they were mostly eradicated when we started to learn. I mean... hmm... maybe we could compare your powers to like a pyrokinetic vampire? I guess functionally the two powers are the same, just one heats up the air and the other chills it. I mean, of course, it wouldn't be exactly the same, but we could probably apply some of the techniques we studied of a pyrokinetic vamp."

Seonghwa tapped his fingers together. "I think that could work. Kind of lucky since one of my old vamp friends was a pyrokinetic. He told me all about how his powers worked."

Wooyoung blinked. "Okay? Can we try it and see if it works?"

Hongjoong stopped walking, causing the other two to stop. "Why not? It'd probably be useful for you to learn anyways just in case you have to defend yourself. I guess one of the first things we should establish is, when have your powers activated before?"

Wooyoung shifted his weight. "Erm, I guess... only when I've been either really scared or angry. It just kind of comes out."

Seonghwa gave a short nod. "Is it controllable in those states? Have you ever been able to control it yourself?"

"No, never."

"I see. My vamp friend told me that producing fire is kind of like lifting something heavy. Your muscles should be tensed, and you have to push in the direction against the object you are holding, or in this case push in the direction you want to send the fire, er, ice."

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows. "Like a push?"

The blonde knew what it was like to lift heavy things, he literally started to go to the gym a bit regularly over this past summer, but it's so hard to visualize without having anything to lift.

Trying to make it simple as it sounds, Wooyoung tensed his arms and pushed forward, as if he was pushing a box.

It worked.

Kind of.

Snow fell from Wooyoung's pale fingertips, the small white flakes falling slowly to the dark ground.

The blue-haired vampire crouched next to the small snow pile that was now on the forest floor, inspecting it curiously. "Well, that's a start. I think you might be able to do something more if you practice."

Wooyoung blinked. "True... I know I could do so much more though. I almost killed myself when I created an icy cavern inside of that storage container, but... then again that was only because I was so pissed off."

The blonde tried to push again, only generating more snow. Wooyoung kept repeating the action, causing the dark-haired male to chuckle. "Well, I guess if you keep doing this you could probably make Antarctica."

Wooyoung shrugged, letting out a chuckle himself as he looked at the now bigger pile of perfect snow. "Well, on the bright side, free snow cones for life. Though, the only syrup I could have on it is probably the red one. haha."

Hongjoong stood back up. "I mean, you could technically have a normal snow cone as long as the ice melts. Liquids don't require stomach acid to digest and travel through the organs, so we could still drink non-blood liquids. It's just they won't give any nutritional benefit."

The blonde made an "o" shape with his mouth. "Oh. I guess that makes sense because I didn't die after drinking a swimming pool's worth of water on my first day."

The dark-haired male stepped onto the pile of snow, staining the stark white with a dirty footprint. Wooyoung's jaw dropped. "What'd you do that for?"

Seonghwa chuckled and shrugged his broad shoulders.

"I really don't know. The pile just looked too perfect and pure for this dark, flawed world."

A/N to be completely honest lol this book is kind of really messy at the moment and i have no idea if it even makes sense/ is cohesive (please tell me if it is/isn't). i wrote an outline for this book like i always do for my books, but for some reason i rearranged almost every single event in the story so far because of pacing and logic issues and right now I'm just really lost in where the plot is going. i mean, i do know what events are going to happen, what the climax would be and how it ends but im not so sure anymore how to balance them out with plot-driving and not plot-driving chapters and how to pace things because of what i did oops. hopefully i could sort this out and somehow write this in a way that doesn't feel strange. thank you!

on a way less serious note. its 3am and im hungry but my dad is literally still in the living room watching tv (he's been doing so for like seven hours now bruh) so i cant sneak to the kitchen without him questioning why im still awake so im mad


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