Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Oh, you're on!"


Eventually, after a month since it first closed down, Wooyoung's school opened back up for two reasons: 1. Since the Goemul basically disappeared, that also meant that no more murders happened so the authorities decided that it's relatively safe and that 2. They literally can't close the school down any longer because well, the children need to have goddamn education to graduate.

Wooyoung walked into the halls, chuckling to himself a bit as he realized that almost every single student around him looked either dead inside or tired. One of the perks of being undead was that getting to school at an early hour was not something he dreaded anymore.

The blonde adjusted his backpack as he walked into the biology classroom, going over to his seat.

Out of his friends, the only one currently there was Yunho.

The tree-like boy was currently resting his head on his arms, his lanky body folded over onto the table in a kind of uncomfortable-looking position. Yunho's blonde faded hair flopped over, the ends of his bangs brushing against the surface of the table.

He looked rather peaceful as he sat there, presumably taking a short nap.

Wooyoung reached out a cautious hand and tapped the tall boy's shoulder, causing Yunho to jump slightly. Yunho looked up slowly, blinking rapidly and squinting as he looked up. "Uh... hello? Wooyoung? Did class start?"

The blonde sat down, giving him a wink. "No, it didn't, it just ended."

Yunho sat up rather quickly, his eyes wide. "What? I-"

Wooyoung laughed loudly. "I'm kidding, dumbass. Geez, how much sleep did you get last night?"

The tree-like boy shrugged. "Uh, I think like... four hours. I like highkey forgot that we were going back today. I regret all of my life choices. How much sleep did you get last night, man? You're like... glowing. You don't look tired at all."

Wooyoung's eyes widened slightly. "Er... the same amount as the night before... I think."

That technically wasn't a lie.

"Oh? How much is tha-"

"Hey guys!"

Wooyoung looked up at the source of the voice, seeing his other two friends, Yeosang and Jongho standing there. The blonde gave the two a short wave. "Hey."

Yeosang slid into his seat next to Wooyoung. "What's up?"

"Nothing much. Same old, same old. How about you?"

Yeosang shrugged. "I accidentally grew a tree in my backyard. Do you want some firewood?"

Wooyoung cackled. "Wait, you did what?  That's so funny!"

Yeosang returned the chuckle. "I was just practicing. I need to use the wood for something and considering how erm... cold we are now, why not use it to warm us and our non-beating hearts?"

Jongho interrupted, eyebrow raised. "What are you two talking about?"

Wooyoung shook his head, cackling even more. "Oh, you wouldn't understand."

Sometimes it was fun to make light of the situation at hand just to keep your mind off of the darker, bigger issues.


Wooyoung completely forgot how good-looking San was until he saw him again that day in the hallways.

The brown-haired boy looked like an angel or maybe even god himself, as he walked down that hallway talking to some student Wooyoung has never seen before. He just looked so inhumanely good.

Wooyoung did think that he was catching feelings for the boy and it was a bit intimidating.

First of all, how could someone so perfect ever like him? He knew that he and San were quite close even though they didn't know each other for a long time, but he didn't even know if San saw him in the same way that Wooyoung saw San.

Second of all, if the two did get together, how was Wooyoung going to hide his vampire life. He knows that it's something that he couldn't hide forever, and obviously, many couple things would require actions that could reveal that he was very much not alive.

So this was very yikes.

There was just no way that San would like him. It seemed impossible.

San seemed to notice Wooyoung staring at him, his eyes lighting up as they made eye contact. San said something short to the person he was talking to, before striding up to Wooyoung while smiling quite wide. "Hey, Woo."

San's smile was contagious. "Hey, Sannie."

The brown-haired boy scratched the back of his head, letting out a short chuckle. "So er... how's your day going?"

Wooyoung gestured with his head down the hallway, the pair beginning to walk to the next class, which they shared. "It's going alright. Getting thrown back into school after so long feels kind of weird."

San nodded. "Ah, yeah, I completely get that. I feel kind of the same way, but I was kind of just bored at home all of the time so school is nice in that respect. I didn't really do much other than sleep, draw, and practice figure skating for my competitions."

"I've always wondered about your figure skating skills, you know? Like you're so good! It must take a lot of practice, right?"

San shrugged. "I mean, yeah. I've been doing it for most of my life, so I guess that's probably why I'm more good than bad."

Wooyoung ran a hand through his hair. "So humble. What made you start?"

The brown-haired boy chuckled. "When I was... I think six years old, I saw figure skating on the television and it looked really interesting so I told my parents that I wanted to do that. My mom was really supportive and told me that if that's what I wanted to do, I could do it. My dad on the other hand... he initially didn't really like the idea because he thought that figure skating was a more "feminine" sport, but... I was persistent so he eventually gave in. Now, he's one of my biggest fans!"

Wooyoung giggled. "That's kind of cute."

The blonde couldn't help but notice the pink that dusted San's cheeks at that comment. "O-oh, yeah."

San seemed to regain his composure quickly, clearing his throat. "Anyways, kind of relating to our conversation, but not really... are you free this weekend?"

Wooyoung raised an eyebrow. "Uh, I think so. Why?"

San adjusted his shirt, looking to the ground. "I don't know, I... I kind of wanted to ask if you wanted to go ice skating with me this weekend, just for... fun. If you don't know how, I can teach you, but I just wanted to er... hang out(?)"

Wooyoung blinked. "Really? Just the two of us?"


Wooyoung looked away too. "Oh, uh, yeah, I think I'm free this weekend. I'm d-down."

San smiled. "Alright, cool, it'll be fun! Yay!"

Wooyoung couldn't help but chuckle.

Maybe San could possibly actually like him.

A/N heck how is it so late i literally cut something out of my schedule and its still late wtf is wrong with me


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