Chapter Four

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Before Wooyoung could respond, his vision snapped back to complete black for the second time that night.


Wooyoung's eyes snapped open.

Immediately, the blonde looked around the scenery which was enveloped in a warm glow from the rising sun.


It was almost morning.

Wooyoung groaned, slowly rising from the dirty ground. Almost immediately, the blonde hissed. "Shit..."

His neck was strangely sore.

Testing the waters, Wooyoung tried twisting his head at small angles, going back to the original position each time because of how painful it felt.

Guess he wasn't turning his head.

Wooyoung blinked, eyes looking around.

Where the hell was he?

The blonde knew that he was somewhere in the forest, but where exactly in the forest was the bigger question.

Wooyoung ran his hands down his body and into his pockets, panicking slightly as he couldn't find his trusty phone.

It was probably somewhere on the forest floor from when he got kidnapped by those three dark figures.


Wooyoung didn't know what to do.

He would Google Maps his way home, but considering his phone was nowhere to be around, he obviously couldn't do that.

He was screwed.

Time to probably just wander around aimlessly.

The blonde began to walk, immediately stopping after around five strides.

Something felt different.

Wooyoung didn't know what it was, but something was definitely different. Something felt missing, yet something also felt replaced.

Did this have to do something with the dark figures?

The dark figures definitely did not seem exactly the most normal, the blonde didn't even know who they were and what they wanted with him.

Then Wooyoung recalled what they said.

They said they were going to turn him into something.

But what?

Wooyoung bit his lip in thought, freezing once his teeth made contact with his pink lips.

His canines felt longer.

Confused, the blonde moved his tongue to feel them, gasping a bit as he felt how pointy they felt. They felt like they could pierce through anything.

They were like fangs.

Curious, Wooyoung took his pointer finger and tapped one of his sharp canines, hissing once he felt it pierce the skin on his finger. Wooyoung brought his hand away from his mouth, eyes widening once he saw that he was bleeding.

But he wasn't bleeding red, his blood was a straight inky black.

Shocked, Wooyoung jumped back.

Bad idea.

Jumping back caused him to move his neck.

"Ow! Shit!"

The blonde brought a shaky hand up to his neck, rubbing it in an attempt to alleviate the sore but obviously failed.

But then Wooyoung froze once again because his hand brushed against two strange bumps on his neck.

What was this?

And then he realized.

Wooyoung has read enough supernatural fanfi- books to know what those dark figures turned him into.

He was a goddamn vampire.

Wooyoung panicked, immediately bringing his fingers up to his wrist to check for a pulse.

He couldn't find one.

"No no no no no no no."

This couldn't be real.


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