Chapter Thirty-Four

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Maybe San could possibly actually like him.


The forest has been a place where Wooyoung hung out a lot at night, and it's almost habit that he goes there when the sun goes down. Usually, he would go out to just hang or talk out with the other friendly vampires, or he just went out to walk.

This night, he was doing the former, Hongjoong and Seonghwa wanting to talk to him about something.

And that's how Wooyoung found himself in the forest, leaning against a tree while he watched the two said vampires walk up to him.

"Hey, Wooyoung."

The blonde waved at the two. "Hey. You wanted to talk to me about something?"

Hongjoong gave a short nod. "Er... yeah... wanna walk?"


The three vampires started to walk through the night.

Wooyoung was a bit curious as to what the vampires had to say to him. "So, what's up? Is this about the Goemul?"

Seonghwa nodded. "Yeah... technically. You know how the Goemul practically disappeared ever since they appeared in your room that night, the night that your friend got turned?"

The blonde pursed his lips. "Um... yeah? What? Did they come back?"


Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh. Well-"

The dark-haired male shoved his hands in his pocket. "Until yesterday. We saw them doing something quite strange back in the depths of the forest during one of our patrols. Joongie and I had absolutely no idea what they were even doing, but as soon as we tried to approach them they ran off. They are certainly doing something strange."

The blonde raised an eyebrow. "Really? What could they be doing?"

Hongjoong shrugged. "I legitemately have no idea. They have to be planning something big and... the thing is they never run off. I just wish we could do something quick. Whatever they are doing can't be good."

Seonghwa let out a chuckle. "No shit. I just hope that we can stop them before it's too late. Wooyoung, have you been thinking of anything that could help us end them? You remember that they literally can not die."

Wooyoung nodded. "Right. Uh... I don't really know what to do. My only idea was to just rip them to shreds and put each shred into individual plastic sandwich bags then throw each bag into different holes littered around the whole earth, but that takes too much time and I don't know if that's something we have."

The blue-haired male's jaw dropped. "Oh. I mean technically that might work because they can't heal if they are erm... broken up into millions of pieces, but you're right. That would take a lot of time."

Seonghwa agreed.

"Yeah, that's right. Just... hopefully we can think of a solution quickly because it's clear now that something is going to happen in the near future."

A/N highkey hungry right now send food


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