Chapter Twenty

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⚠️⚠️This part contains some mild spoilers to the movie Frozen. Be aware if you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to be spoiled. ⚠️⚠️

Wooyoung was stuck.

The blonde glanced at his phone. Maybe he could message somebody to get him out.

But there was a slight issue with that plan.

He didn't have any service.

Wooyoung's eyes widened slowly in realization as he continued to stare at the little 'no service' symbol at the top corner of his phone screen.

He was stuck in a storage container in the middle of some random warehouse that he didn't even know the location of, unable to reach anybody because he had no service, and in the middle of the day on a weekend in which Wooyoung assumed that no one would be working there because it was a weekend.


He was so fucking screwed.

Wooyoung stilled, trying to see if he could hear anything outside.

But he couldn't hear anything.

The blonde slowly tried to turn himself over, his body facing the top of the storage container. The icicles littering the ceiling looked so sharp. If any one of those fell onto him in the right place, he could probably die.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa told Wooyoung that although they are immortal in terms of age, they could still be killed by impalement or destruction of the body, and those icicles definitely could do just that.

Because the storage containers were made out of metal, heat could easily conduct into the ice and cause it to melt meaning that:

The icicles could fall at any time, and Wooyoung probably wouldn't know when.

He needed to get rid of them.

The blonde tried to pick himself up, but kept failing because like before, he had absolutely no friction. The most he could do was get in a sitting position, but once he tried to stand up or reach really high to break off the icicles, Wooyoung would slip.

He couldn't get rid of them.

Wooyoung began to panic.

If he couldn't remove the sharp icicles which could fall at any time and impale him and he couldn't leave the storage unit, there was no escape. It was inevitable.

The blonde felt sheer panic and fear course through his veins at the anticipated future.

Wooyoung just created his own death trap.


It's been six hours.

Wooyoung has been trapped inside the dark box of icy death for six hours.

The blonde has tried absolutely everything to try to escape the fate that he saw coming.

He tried to throw his shoes at the icicles in order to break them off, but stopped after realizing that could literally just cause them to fall on him even faster.

Wooyoung also tried to do the same thing with the metal chair, but he found that its sideways form was frozen to the floor, so that also didn't work.

The blonde even also tried to thaw it all with love just like what Elsa did in Frozen.

And that didn't work either.

Damnit, Wooyoung was kind of looking forward to making his own Olaf.

Wooyoung honestly was losing hope. He didn't know what to do.

The blonde couldn't die yet. His story couldn't just end here.

Over the past six hours, none of the icicles fell, but Wooyoung felt them start to drip, his body was pretty much soaking wet at this point. The cold rain-like drops falling onto his body were more annoying than anything, but each one just reminded him of what could happen.

He needed help now.

Thankfully, it seemed that his prayers were going to be answered.

The blonde perked up when he heard a large slamming noise echo from the outside of the storage container. Voices followed the noise, the tone sounding confused and as if the source was calling for something.

Wooyoung stared at the door to the container, frozen as he continued to listen.

The voices seemed to get closer.

The blonde didn't try to sit up until the voices crescendoed to the point that they seemed like they were right outside of the container he was stuck in. Did whoever these people were know he was in here?

Suddenly, the door to the container slammed open, the ice covering the metal surface of the door shattering once it hit the floor. Light flooded into the icy cavern, blinding Wooyoung almost immediately.

Guess they did.


A/N Happy twenty chappies!

Kinda curious rn, if you guys were in Wooyoung's situation in this chapter, how would you feel? Would you also be panicked to no end?


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