Chapter Twenty-Six

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The urges won the fight.






That was what the voices inside Wooyoung's head were chanting over and over, like a broken record.

The blonde would've told them to shut up, but he didn't have the will to do so because they spoke nothing but the truth.

Wooyoung was a monster.

The blonde did the one thing he was trying so hard not to do.

He drank Yeosang's blood.

Guilt and pain filled his consciousness, drowning out any sanity left. He trembled, feeling the daunting anticipation that nothing will ever be the same again.

Wooyoung's cold body laid on the dirtied carpet, right next to his best friend's body. His body shook as he sobbed, the act that he just did taunting him inside and out.

He just killed his best friend.

Oh my god.

But the sentiment that made him feel so torn up inside and broken was the fact that drinking Yeosang's blood tasted so good. He has never tasted something so rich and delicious in his life.

And that's what scared him the most. He enjoyed it at the moment.

There was so much doubt and confusion in his head, swirling together to further mix his emotions, but there was one thing that was as clear as day.

Wooyoung was a monster.


The blonde didn't know how long he was lying there, sobbing next to Yeosang's body before Hongjoong and Seonghwa showed up.

He didn't even really notice until the two vampires flipped him over to face them, yelling what the hell happened.

Wooyoung explained everything in tears. How the Goemul appeared in his room. How they showed up with his best friend. How they tempted him and left him to feed. How he gave in to temptation and became a monster.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa comforted Wooyoung for quite a while after that, saying things like how "it wasn't his fault" and how "he shouldn't blame himself", but the blonde knew it was all his fault.

If he was strong enough he wouldn't have given in.

If he cared enough he would have been able to stop himself.

If he was human he wouldn't have to worry about this happening ever again.

But as Wooyoung stared at Yeosang's dead body once again, the two other vampires said that there was something that he could do to save him.

He could turn him into a vampire.

Wooyoung hesitated at the thought. Sure, he would probably do it in an instance in other circumstances because his friend didn't deserve to die so young, but after what just happened, the blonde didn't know if he couldn't turn Yeosang into something so monstrous and heartless.

But Yeosang didn't deserve to have his life end right then and there. He deserved to live.

Even if it was in an undead way.

So with a heart stained with scars and terror of the previous events, Wooyoung followed the instructions of the elder vampires and brought a new vampire into the world.

A/N i completely forgot to write this two chapters ago, but happy 2k! i don't think I've ever reached 2k on a book before it reached thirty chapters so that's literally insane i don't deserve yall thank you so much!! :)


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