Chapter Twenty-Two

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"I recognize this person. They go to my school."


Wooyoung wanted to forget about the murder that happened a few days ago, but he couldn't considering the news spread throughout the whole school.

Maybe he should've considered that before leaving an anonymous call for the police, but he couldn't just leave the dead body of a random kid in a warehouse. The innocent kid deserved a proper burial and mourning rather than a confused family that didn't know where their child even went and might not even know till their lives themselves ended.

The blonde knew himself that they needed to do something about the Goemul, because eventually it'd seem they would kill the whole school and it'd be all his fault.

But the issue is they are unstoppable.

Wooyoung knew from Seonghwa and Hongjoong and even witnessed that they can somehow always escape death, and that was apparently not a normal case for vampires. They were above life, and they needed to find out how they could stop it.

Because of that, they couldn't just rid them as easily, but the next best solution to make them stop is to just give them what they wanted.


But the blonde knew exactly how many issues came along with that and there was no way in hell he would join them.

First, sure, they'd stop killing innocent kids, but in turn, they'd just use him as a tool to wipe out the whole human race. The deaths of them would just be delayed slightly.

And Wooyoung couldn't think of a reason to join them because he actually had morals. Unlike, the perception of the other vampires, he legitimately cared for people. The power and immortality of becoming undead did not blind his feelings towards others unlike most. Wooyoung wasn't one to desire power because he hated people like that since they were always so selfish, and he could never see himself joining a cult of morally wrong shits.

Finally, to add to their dilemma, the trio knew that the Goemul were quite smart. There's no doubt that Wooyoung knew that they would probably escalate their convincing methods. The blonde didn't know exactly what they might try to pull off, but he knew it'd probably be far worse than murder, and that was never a good thing.

If Wooyoung didn't exist, then this probably wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Why did his ice-powered ancestor have to escape the mass killing all of those years ago?


"Hey, San, did you do the geometry homework?"

The pretty brown-haired boy furrowed his eyebrows, staring at his sandwich. "Er, I think so."

Yeosang rested his head on his hands. "Ooh, can I copy your work? I forgot to do it this weekend... lol, oops."

Wooyoung grumbled at his best friend. "Yeo! I didn't bring San over here to sit with us at lunch just to be your homework slave, I swear-"

San chuckled, interrupting. "Don't worry, he could copy off my work I really don't care. I'd want to pass my classes too."

Yeosang smiled, leaning on Yunho, who was sitting right next to him. "Awesome. Thank you so much. The geometry teacher actually lowkey scares me."

Yunho pushed off Yeosang a bit violently, into Jongho's lap, who was sitting on the other side of Yeosang. "I'm so glad I didn't choose geometry as my math class this year. Also, don't lean on me, bruh, I'm not a goddamn tree that you could just lean on-"

Jongho wheezed at that comment, pushing Yeosang off of his lap and back into Yunho's side. "Dude, you literally are a tree. You're so tall! You're literally higher than my GPA could ever be! Or as high as the clouds in the sky! Or my mom when she found out my da-"

Yunho facepalmed and pushed Yeosang back onto Jongho. "Um, hello? You're one to talk mister bright smile. Your smile is literally brighter than my goddamn future-"

Yeosang, sick of being pushed around, sat up quickly before he could be pushed again, grumbling. "Why did I have to sit between 2ho, oh my god. Would you two please stop complimenting each other then proceed to self-deprecate like it's literally not funny!"

Jongho wheezed again. "It is funny. It's literally peak comedy-"

"No, it's not!"

"You wouldn't understand. Maybe because your life isn't as much of a joke as ours-"

Yunho burst out laughing. "Truth."

Yeosang slammed his head on the table before glaring at Jongho. "No! Stop!"

Wooyoung chuckled as his three friends in front of him continued to bicker, turning to talk to San. "I-"

The blonde froze once he saw that San's face was literally mere centimeters away from his own.

They must have turned at the same time.

Wooyoung could feel the brown-haired boy's breath fanning onto his own lips, only further confirming how close they were to each other. San's warm breath felt rather nice on the blonde's cold skin, subtly reminding him of how alive San was. Wooyoung could hear the brown-haired boys' heartbeat start to pick up, beating at a rather high tempo. The two boys stared into each others' eyes, staying in that position for a solid few seconds before-

"What the!? Woo! Are you and San going to ki-"

The blonde immediately snapped his head at an inhumane speed to look at his best friend. "n-No! no(?)"

Wooyoung glanced over at San, who he noticed had a huge blush on his perfectly sculpted face.

Wooyoung was sure that if he still had blood flow he'd be blushing like crazy too.

A/N yunho and jongho bantering and making lighthearted self-deprecating jokes is just a nod towards the humor that me and my friends share lol.


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