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Under your blankets, you were trying to sleep, but all you heard was the quick, small taps on the window. You didn't want to open it for you knew what would happen, so you pretended you were sleeping, hoping that would make him go away.

You don't even know how it happened or what his name was. All you remembered is that you were walking back home from Art Club until a pink hair boy went up to you and forced you to help him be friends with your brother. You can't exactly remember how he did it, but you remembered that he threatened you about it, so you were definitely scared.

When the quick tapping stopped, you looked a bit over your blanket, finding the pink hair boy right in front of you, staring down as you dared not to move a single centimeter.

Then the boy takes the blanket off of you and against the wall. You couldn't touch the floor, so you were dangling as you held onto the boy's wrist. You try to take his hands off your neck while choking, trying to find air. He only resulted you by tightening his hands around your neck.

"Why didn't you open the window?" the pink haired boy demanded for an answer.

"I-I'm sorry," you chokingly spoke.

"You know I can kill you right here, but you're part of my plan, so don't go on telling this is your brother."

"I-I pro-omise!" you squeaked.

The boy lets go of you as you drop on the floor, gasping and coughing for air while you hold onto your neck. You didn't dare to look at the boy's eyes for that would only result to you getting more frightened than before.

"Stand up. I need you to listen about my next plan," the boy says.

You stood up, but the pink hair boy thought you were too slow and pulled your hair up and threw you at the bed. You try not to make a sound, so you cry instead, making a few whimpers and grunts at the way. You sit up, still looking down with scared eyes as your ears were ready to listen to his horrible voice.

You hear the boy sitting on your chair, making you flinch. Every move he makes, you flinch instantly.

"Stop shivering. I can see it from here," the boy says as he crosses his arms.

You immediately stop and stay still like a doll.

"Good," the boy says.

You could practically see that smirk when he says that. The only time he smiles is if you obey him or when he stalks your brother. He doesn't smile when you see him at school, or even around his 'friends.' It's like a sadistic obsession this psychotic boy has.

"Now, I want you to get his manga again, Volume 23. Mess this up and you know what happens," the boy glares at you as you felt it right through your soul.

"I-I know," you say.

The last time you messed up, which was the first time, the punishment was gruesome. He somehow got hot tea and poured it on your bare back as you tried to stay silent. It was painful and you didn't want to experience it every again. The boy even said that this was just a small punishment. If he said that then that means he's worse than you think.

"Okay. Tell anyone about this or tea spills will not be the only thing that will hurt," the boy says.

You nod slowly.

Once he left out the window, you immediately lock it and close the curtains. You rush under your blankets as you cry yourself to sleep.

You hoped this all would end soon.

[ Edited ]

Ah, yes. Another book.

Well did you like it? I hope you did. I'm surprised there's already had views, but this is a Yandere book and maybe might even put some- HA. CAUGHT YOU IN 4K-

But seriously, thank you for reading this, my little sushi and readers. I didn't even know that people would read it, due to weird things I think about.

I'll also update my chapters whenever I feel like it, so you better start to learn how to be patient. I'll try to update as much as possible, though.

Well, I hope you liked this chapter! Comment and vote of you'd like! It really helps to motivate the author! ^^

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