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While you were in the shower, the boy walked up to his brother before he left.

"Oh? What does my psychic brother want from me?" He teases.

"What did you do to that necklace?"

"What necklace?"

"The necklace you gave to her."

"Oh! The one I gave to her!" he plays dumb, "It was just a thank you gift for her to finally getting your trust to actually bring someone in the house. Y'know, she's a very lucky one-

"Cut this crap, and just tell me what you put in that necklace to make me stop from touching it."

Kusuke grins evilly before shrugging his shoulders.

"Well, you'll have to earn that if you want me to spill it out," he says before looking at the time, "and as much as I'd like to stay, I must go. My employees need help with another rocket and need my intelligence for it. Tell your cute friend a good bidding farewell!"

He shuts the door before the boy huffs away in his room. With anger by his side, he barges inside his own room, making you flinch and look up at what was wrong with him. He turns his head to you as you flinch and stare at him in fear.


"N-Nothing," you turn your head back to the pages of paper.

You try to focus on your homework, but every time he moved, you get distracted. How could you not? You were forced to sleep in your personal bully's home for the night. You'd be scared as hell pulling you down for more torture.


You look up, nervous of what he was going to do next.

"Stop looking at me like that."


Your face? What's wrong with looking at him like this?

"I mean-- forget it. It's not like you'd understand," he walks to his wheeling chair and turns himself around.

You were confused and relieved that he didn't do anything to you, but the boy was about to get a heat stroke. Have you looked like this the whole time?

If you many people have forgotten, this psychic boy has so many powers that he can see through people, literally. For example, if he sees a normal human being, he can see through their skin, muscles, and even bones. It took him so long to control this power, and thanks to his lame brother's invention, he could make his life even more controllable. He still couldn't control with looking through people and other random things, but at least he had an interesting power.

Back to the burning up boy, he fidgets every time he thinks of how human you looked, how normal you seem, and since it's been so long since he's actually seen a normal human being for this long, he's never been more amazed in his life. Believe it or not, he's actually quite thankful he's seen you in your normal human being form. Seeing you like this made his life so happy.

But if you kept this up, then maybe he'll just keep you forever.

Ugh, what am I thinking? It's not like she's important to me.

He silently sighs and turns his chair around with the usual crossed arms as he stares at you. As for you, you seemed so focused on trying to do your homework, that you were quite frustrated. Exhaling in deep struggle. You look up to see him just staring at you. You feel embarrassed as he felt flustered, and both looking away.

"You're struggling, aren't you?" he questions, moreover a protest.

You nod. Playing dumb, he questions you what it was.

"What is it about this time?"

"W-Well, it's just a research essay. I-I already have all the information I need, but it's taking me quite some time to finish it," you pull out your research notes, "My teacher said that we could do anything, so I thought it'd be easy to do one of my studies in history, Homer's stories, and since I've read them in English, I thought it'd be easy for me."

While speaking, the boy only stares at you. Staring at your face to your shoulders, chest down to the waist, from the legs up to your hips, then your neck to slowly go back up to your eyes that were rummaging around the research papers.

What am I doing?

He internally shakes his head as he focuses on your voice. Oh, how your voice matched up with your lips. The lips that seemed perfect to your body's soul. If he keeps this up, then there's no telling of tomorrow what would happen to you.

"Take that necklace off."

"B-But your brother-

" I don't care what my brother gave to you or what he said. I just want that damn necklace off of you," he demanded, " So take it off or I will."

You hold onto the necklace as you look at it in desperate sadness.

"I-I know that I have t-to o-obey, and t-this is your house I-I'm staying in for the night, b-but for once...someone has given me something in the sweetest way p-possible, a-and I was actually h-happy," your eyes clench, " S-So if you want me to take this necklace off, then you'll have to rip it out."

You make a small smile as you clench on the necklace. Unlike you, the boy was furious. How could you talk back to him like that? Clearly, he's been spoiling you too much.

Pushed down to the bed, you start to choke for air. His hands wrapped around your neck as he punishes you. You want to scream for help yet again, but there were only tears that fell out. When he saw your face full of fear and pain, he suddenly realizes what he was doing to you and lets you go. You soon cough out for air as you rub your neck. You didn't sit up yet due to your recovery of the mild punishment.

The boy backs up from you and falls to sit on his chair. His arms on his armrests, but one hand up his forehead. He makes a small glance at you, but you only tear up while looking up at the ceiling, never daring to look at him.

Stop making that face, you imbecile insect.

"Take that necklace off, please," he protests, almost pleads if you listened to it very carefully.

Sadly, you didn't and only obeyed him, by removing the necklace off. Your face was still in pain and horror that you didn't want to open your eyes. You were in such a traumatic state. It's been so long since you've been tortured like this. You thought you were finally making progress with what you were doing. You guess you weren't since you were still getting hit like a truck breaking your spine.

You were so focused in your thoughts that you didn't even hear him give out an order. He knew he pushed you too far, so he guessed he had to physically bring you back into reality.

He watched you cry with tears shut and body stiff like a rock. It looked like you didn't want to move, and you didn't. He digs his hands under your back and knees to pick you up as he lays you properly onto his bed. Your hands were now together as your head was laying down on his arm. His chest was warming up your upper body as your legs were cramps up to make yourself look like a ball. Another arm was wrapped around your body as it was rubbing your back for reassurance of safety, to calm you down.

You didn't hear anything from the boy, but it made you fall into sleepiness. His gentle touch made you feel safe as he hugged you. His warmth really did make you calm down. His breathing even made you fall asleep.

Speaking of falling asleep, the boy watches you fall to unconsciousness as your shaking tight-up body soon turned relaxed. He watches your face go from anxious and worry to calm and silent.

So quiet that he actually enjoyed how calm and silent you were, especially how you looked.

Here you go, your soft yandere Saiki.

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