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It was night and you were sleeping in bed. Sadly, not for Saiki.

Saiki has been panicking about his life decisions for the past two weeks. It's been two fucking weeks since Saiki left and all he's been feeling is torture. He could teleport there, but it was too far for him to get even past those weird robots his stupid brother made, and as sad as it may sound, he can't control their minds since they're robots and he wouldn't know their next move, like a show or a movie set on the television screen.

It angered Saiki so bad, and it wasn't just his brother, he's also contemplating his thoughts about you. Like, how were you doing right now? Were you doing better or worse without him? Are you actually doing things you couldn't do without his help? How were you feeling right now? Is Aren actually trying to get you?

Those were all the questions and more that roamed around Saiki's head. I mean, what wouldn't he do?

As he takes more time to recover more energy to use his power, he remembered he put a tracking device on you. He hired someone to put a tracking device on you and successfully, he could track down everywhere you went and could even hear everything you were saying right now. It's creepy, but it was needed to be done for your sake of safety.

He's just overprotective, that's all.

Getting ready for school, you smile happily as you put the painting in a bag. It was wrapped around with tissue paper. When you went to school with a big smile, you put the painting in the arts room. You put a sticky note just to tell anybody who gets in the room and finds it before they even throw it.

Before leaving, you look at the bag and smile. While walking to your classroom, you meet up with Maki.

"Maki, hey!" you greet as she was walking in the school building.

She turns to you and also smiles.

"Oh, hey," she smiles back, "What's up?"

"I just got back from the arts room, because I needed to drop a painting off."

"For what?"

"I got my first order!" you squeal in happiness as you take your phone out, "See?"

You show your best friend the text you and Aren made.

"A ren is cool? Aren? Oh! You met up with that gangster dude with glasses," Maki continues to read the text until you take your phone away from her.

"First of all, he's not a gangster. He's actually changing. Second of all, he's the one who ordered one of my paintings!" you smile, "And it's one of the really expensive ones, too."

"So, he's hitting up on you."

"N-No!" you start to get flustered, "H-He'd never!"

"Uhuh, says the girl who's getting flustered over one order."

"Hey, it's my first time doing this small business thing. Of course, I'm going to be flustered."

"Yeah, but it's a boy, too," Maki teases.

When you were about the say something, the bell rang, making you pout in disruption.

"Let's just go to our class."

"Aw, no talkback? I guess Aren's that special to bring you to stop talking like that."

"O-Of course not!"

"O-Of course yet!" Maki teases again.

"This is why we can't have nice things."

"And this is why you can't get a boyfriend."

"At least I got a guy to flirt before you did."

"Wow, you finally admit a guy to flirting you."

You only kept quiet as you rushed to go to your classroom. Maki only laughs at you.

Once lunch came by, you ate with Maki and your friends as usual, and when you finished, you walked around the school. Before you got attacked by your bully, you were never like this. You would always be collected by yourself most of the time, wouldn't interreact with a lot of people, even Maki when you two were good friends, and you would always be a stuttering mess every time you spoke up with anyone you barely knew.

But ever since you went through your hardships of being a bully's victim, you never had this much confidence to talk. Everyone, your brother, the nurse, and even you were surprised of this. It not only made you happy, but the people you love. It felt like you achieved something you thought you never could. No matter how much you hatted Saiki, you will be grateful that he gave you the confidence to speak up for yourself to have a better life than yesterday.

While you walk around, you see the torture room you used to get beat up in. Your own dungeon and discipline. For some reason, you weren't scared to come in there. Yes, it was your place of pain, your hellhole, but maybe, just maybe, you could turn it into something better. Instead of a place of pain, you could turn it into a happy one.

With shaking hands, you held onto the handle and check if anyone was at the halls looking at you. Glad that no one was looking, you take a deep breath before slowly opening the door. Seeing the dark and scary room, the messed-up desks and chairs were still placed as before. You step inside and close the door behind you. You open the lights to make the dust invisible and start walking around. You find the blood stains all over the room that Saiki beat you up in. You take tiny and small steps and sigh.

"Would it be possible to fix this room?" you whisper.

You look around as you start to tear up. Squatting to your knees, you start to cry.

"I hated this place so much," you say, "It still scares me today. After all you beat me up in this room, I'm glad you're out of my life, but . . .

You stand up, wiping your tears, and compose yourself again.

"But I don't want this room to stay as it is. When I come at this hall at my third year, I don't want to pass by thinking that this was a pothole of torture for me. Everyday, that I hope to never pass by this room, so," you start to make a small smile as you look at the stains on the walls, "I'll clean this room up as if this was my room, just like you always wanted me to do.

"But first, I have to move these desks, so I can clean up the stains."

You sigh, then smile, knowing that once you made progress, you'll think of this as one of your greatest accomplishments ever.

I'm sorry I didn't update for the past few days. I was just at a funeral and my head hurts terribly, so I won't be updating for quite some time.

As I grief, please, check out my favorite fictional character, Jason Todd.

As I grief, please, check out my favorite fictional character, Jason Todd

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Please, simp respectfully as I respectfully simp for him. Thank you. 😩- Oops, wrong emoji. 😌

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