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Surprisingly, you were a bit jolly today. You didn't show a smile, but you felt a depression lift off a bit and you liked it. You finally have a saying of thanks to karma.

You were getting ready for school, but the boy came in. You didn't mind, but you did mind some privacy, so you went into your small walk-in closet.

"Do you have it?" the boy says at the other side.

"No, but I will when he goes downstairs," you say, smiling a bit.

"Aren't you happy today?" the boy says.

"Yeah...a bit...," you say.

The pink haired boy didn't like how she was smiling. He never liked it, especially when it was around your brother. You were suppose to be seen as a weak insect who can't even do a single tasks. So why were you smiling like that? It wasn't suppose to be from his brother. If anything, he wanted her to smile in pain. He wanted her to know who's in charge here.

"Well stop it. It's annoying," the boy says.

You flinchingly obeyed his command as you suddenly drop your smile. Sure, you may be a bit happy, but you were still scared of him. He can do monstrous things to you and that's just the small pinches of it.

"S-Sorry...," you mumble.

Once leaving your room, that was your que to get out of your room. You heard the water running in the bathroom, so you rushed to go to the volume and went back to your room to put in your backpack, securing it tightly.

When your brother was finished, you were eating your breakfast. He sat across you as you feel tense if he'll know you stole his volume.

You two ate in an awkward, yet comfortable silence. When finished, you two put on your shoes and went to school.

You were beside the window, looking outside and just thinking.

But would he know, you thought.

"Is anyone sitting here?" a boy beside you asks.

He points out the empty seat beside you with concerning, yet happy eyes.

"Oh...no...," you mumble.

Is he a new transfer student? We've been getting a lot of those nowadays, you thought as you go back to your sketchbook of wonders.

The boy was setting his bag down on his chair as he was taking a pencil out. As you observe the boy more, he's not bad looking for a first year.

He had curly orange hair with gleaming eyes of chocolate as his sunshine smile was showing how happy he is.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now