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When lunch came, you were sitting down at your desk, eating there. Everyone was mostly outside, but some of your classmates were staying inside your classroom. Hearing a knock at the door, everyone looked up, but you just wanted some peace.

"Is Hiroshi Y/n here?"

You hear your name and look up to see that it was Saiki, glaring at you. You got nervous as you slowly stand up, your classmates following your actions as well.


"The principal needs you at the moment," he says.

With shaking fists, you nod and follow Saiki out of the classroom, leaving your lunch open and left out. Walking with him in the opening of the public was so suffocating, knowing that you could just shout for someone, asking for help. You were too afraid, though. 

As you look down in fear, Saiki only leads you to that exact same room. Once you were both in the room, you only stood there. Breathing heavily, you hear his footsteps rattle the floor around you. He steps right in front of you, knowing about your principal situation.

"So, tell me about what happened back there?"

"W-Where?" you play dumb.

"You know what you tried to do. Do you think I'm dumb enough to know what you did? That you tried to report about me?" He steps closer, but you back up.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I-I-It won't h-happen a-again."

"I'm sure it won't, because after I'm done punishing you, you'll regret ever making that biggest mistake," he says as he grabs you by the wrist.

He starts to drag you outside as you only followed him in scared silence. As you were walking up the stairs, you realize what he was doing as you were brought up the rooftop. Terrified, you start to pull your hand back, trying to back away.


"Stop fucking moving," he says as he pulls you closer to him and shoves you at the railing, making you yelp in terror.

He pushes your body at the rails as his hand on your mouth and the other on your hair. He pushes your upper body closer off the building as you start to yell in horror. You felt his body lean to push your body over. You try to shove yourself back, but Saiki doesn't let you.

"You see this? This could literally be the end of your life and I could finish it with just one more push," he brings you closer out of your death.

Your screams muffled, you cry for your life as you hold onto the rails as tight as you can.

"You don't want that do you?"

You quickly shake your head relentlessly as tears fell over and over again.

"Do you really not want that?"

You shake your head again.

"Well, too bad, because you're getting what you deserve," he says before pushing you off the build.

Yelling, you hold onto the railing at the other side. Dangling off the building, you try and ask for his help, but the bully only ignores you and walks away. You start to yell for anyone who was out there, but it didn't seem that ,obody would even get to you since you were the only one on here and it doesn't seem that anyone would even hear you inside the building.

As your hand slips, you start to panic. You tried to get your strength together, but with the last pull up, your other hand slips, making you cry for your life. But when you started yelling, Saiki went back and helped you. He took your wrist and brought you back on the rooftop, making you yell again.

With arms around you, you lay on his chest as you cry in fear. You were shaking and in a mental breaking point. You grip onto the cause of your shaking body as you didn't want to interfere with what was going on.

Saiki realized the state he brought you and was quite sad for you, but you needed to be taught a lesson. He knew he pushed too far, but that's what you get for getting him almost in trouble. He's just lucky since he has the power to control what other people can think. That's why you kept on saying 'strawberries' instead of the boy's name.

As you were shaking and clutching onto Saiki for dear life, even though you were far away from the edge of the building, you were still terrified of what just happened to you. Saiki sighs in comfort as he rubs your back while you couldn't control your fear of death.

"You're alright now. No need to get worried," Saiki says, "Do you now know the consequences of what you just did back there?"

You quickly nod as tears fell in shock. You clutch onto the boy as Saiki pitied your state right now.

"P-Please, g-g-get me o-out of h-her," you stutter, "I p-p-promise I won't d-do it a-again."

"Good," he says as he picks you up in bridal style, "Because if you do, then I'll be sure that you won't see your brother ever again."

You heard the words come out of his mouth and clutch onto his uniform.

"P-Please, d-don't k-kill m-my bro-brother," you stutter again.

"If you obey, then I won't. It's just as simple as that," Saiki says.

Passed out in Saiki's arms, he brought you to the infirmary. The nurse realizes what has happened and starts rushing towards you as if you were her child.

"What happened?"

"I found her unconscious at the rooftop," he only responds as he lays you on the bed.

Don't tell me she tried to kill herself, the nurse thought.

Saiki looks at the nurse as she checks up on the girl as if another usual patient. The nurse realizes the boy stood there for a long time, staring at you in concern. Well, at least that's what it looked like to her. Saiki thought that you were so dumb to pass out after a fall, knowing damn well it would concern everyone's mental health.

"You may leave. Thank you for bringing her in," the nurse says.

Saiki looks up at the nurse as he nods. With hesitant, Saiki walks away from you and put you into the nurse's care. Worried for you, he hoped that you would get better, so you and him can find another solution to get away from his brother together.

This chapter's short than usual, because I realized this book really is ending sooner than I thought. (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ')

Me and everyone else after I said ". . . this book really is ending sooner than I thought . . . :"


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