☕ 𝟎𝟐𝟑 ☕

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Saiki covered the boy's mouth with a white and clean rag as he drags him down between an alley. He tried to get away from the bully's grip, but he was 10 times stronger than the boy. He tied him up with a rusty pipe as he also blindfolded him, to make him not aware of his surroundings.

With only muffled screams coming out of the timid boy, Saiki hold out a broken, yet sharp crowbar at the boy, ready to hurt him until his death.

It was that same boy who tried to flirt with you at the cafe, trying to force himself into you. How could he try and do something like that to you? People like him should definitely be destroyed down in hell.

And that's what Saiki's going to do.

Composed timidly, someone approaches you like you predicted.

"Hey! I know you! You're that girl who bumped into Saiki! Oh, do you happen to see him anywhere?" the ugly butt-chinned male was even scarier upclose than just a hallway away from you.

You began to stutter as you didn't know how to respond.

Then, two people came to distract you from being still of shock.

"Nendou! Where were you? Didn't we tell you to stick together so we wouldn't have to get worried about being lost?" a light blue haired boy shows up, grape-haired boy beside him.

"Oops, really? Sorry! I didn't mean to do that," the Nendou dude replies back to his friends.

"Geez, run away like that again, then we're surely going to leave you by yourself," the purple-haired boy says. He then turns to you, who was just terrified on how angry he looks right now, "Who's this?"

"Oh, her? She's- hey, what is your name?" Nendou asks you, the two slapping their heads to their hands.

You only stood there as you were terrified in your position. You stutter, but no words came out.

"Bro, would you leave her alone?" the purple-haired boy says. He gives you a light bow, "Sorry about him. He can be annoying sometimes."

"I-It's fine," you meekly respond quickly.

You watch the sky-blue haired boy respond to going away from you as you only stand stiff to where you are. Flinching, you felt a touch on your shoulder.

"Did they disturb you?" he asks.

You turn around and hug him for dear life. Wow, who knew you were terrified of strangers. You were never like this months ago. On the verge of tears, you frown at Saiki. He doesn't know yet, but he likes the idea of you always depending on him. How interesting it was to be dependent on the bully you hate the most. What an interesting plot that has in mind of the boy.

You break the hug as he didn't stop you from moving away from him. Noticing a faint red stain at the tips of his collar shirt, you exhale the tight tension from those boys and nod to the bully.

"Let's go," Saiki says.

"D-Did something happen to your s-shirt?" you quickly spoke.

He turns to you with confusing as you sweat at his stare. He wonders how you could tell the faint stain on his collar before his eyes followed to that necklace that wrapped around your neck.

"That necklace," he tries to ignore your question, "Take it off. Once you go home, put it in a plastic bag and give it to me. I'll get it once you're in your room. I don't like how it looks on you."


"No response."

"Okay," you drift the word with a nod, already forgetting about your question, but still wondering about the stain.

With a door opening, you take off your shoes as you hold onto the necklace tight. There was no one brother who responded back, so you guessed that he was out with a few friends again. You quickly take out a plastic bag as you put the necklace in it with a tight seal. Walking upstairs, you walk into your room as you expect the boy to be there. As not expected, he wasn't.

Thinking that you had time, you could change clothes during the time. Finally, some alone time.

Starting with your pants, you take it off before the shirt. Next, the undergarments. You take those off as you sigh happily after taking everything off. It's like a relief to you: to just take your clothes off like you're taking all your weight off. It sounds weird, but it felt amazing. Putting back on new clothes, you brush your hair to take the clumsy strands back to where they belong, even though it doesn't follow to what you want.

With swift movements, you felt someone take the brush. You turned your head around to who it was, and it was the bully who was running late. He gave you a long stare before taking a few strands.

"Look back at the mirror," he says.

You do as you were told and stare at yourself. You watch Saiki calmly brush your hair, though with a few tangles came, Saiki was quick to untangle them. When he started to comb the back and under stranders of your hair, it felt like a relief just pulled in your brain, like a brain massage. It felt amazing. With eyes closed, you smile small, but your relaxation big. Oh, how relieving it felt.

What did help stop was when he stopped. You suddenly opened your eyes as you make a small frown. Siki only turns around as he walks away from you to stop him from slapping that face away from him. From the mirror, you see him with arms crossed at that same emotionless face once he turned back around, but at a farther distance.

"Where's that necklace?" he asks.

"It's here," you stand up as you get it off your drawers.

You take the plastic bag and give it to Saiki. He watches you hand it over to him as he takes it. He stares at you as he only saw muscles. Being used to it, he was still terrified on how you look. He liked it when you looked normal to him, human to his eyes, literally.

Thinking of changing his original plan, he waves his hand as a way of saying no.

"Just keep it," he says, "I don't want it anymore."

Your concern for the boy being crazy turned into a happy smile as you clench onto the bag.

"R-Really?" you ask excitedly. He nods.

"Wear it every day, got it?"

You nod happily as you thank him You take the necklace out of the bag and put it on you. smiling like an idiot, Saiki makes a small rise on his lips. Who knew that making a victim smile was all it took for him to smile?

I know I said that I wouldn't post another chapter for this week, but I just wanted to make something clear:

Ya'll act as if I don't know that you guys go back to reread chapter 17.

Also, this is Saiki right now:

I see your comments, ladies, and they make me smile. I'm lurking and I'm stalking when you least expect it.

 I'm lurking and I'm stalking when you least expect it

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I am getting way too comfortable with you guys.

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