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"She did that?"

"Yeah," Hinata sighs, "Does that mean I'll never get to be her friend ever again?"

"She never really does that," Hiroshi says, "Do you know any suspects about it?"

"Only the strawberry hair dude. He gets annoying at times. I sometimes see her with him and can tell she gets a bit uncomfortable, so it's probably a toxic friend or a bully."

Hiroshi's ears perked up and stares at Hinata who was is a depressed mood.

"Do you know what he looks like?"

"Yeah, um, he had, I think, a pink hair with those weird green glasses."

"Green glasses?" Hiroshi questions, "I don't think I've heard anyone have that type of glasses."

"I think he's in your grade. I see him go to your floor."

"Really? I've never seen him before."

"Yeah, he scolded me before, because I was hanging around with your sister."

"Could have a little crush on her?"

"If he does, then he's doing the worst job ever."

Hiroshi sighs as he lays back to his desk. Since it was lunch time, everybody could sit wherever classroom they could eat in to. Once the bell rings, that's when everybody has to go back to their homeroom.

"Any chance for his name?"

"Nope," Hinata bits into his lunch.

"Well, at least there's a small lead."

Hiroshi gets worried for you every single day, almost every second whenever something bad comes up about you. Knowing that it wasn't his fault, he still feels bad and wants to help you out.

Walking out of the nurse's office, you walk inside the bathroom. You lock one of the toiletries once you go inside. You already have your lunch with you, so you could eat it inside.

You open your lunch and begin to eat it. Chewing it didn't feel good and gulping it wasn't even as well. Your stomach couldn't handle it, so you almost puked it. You had to force the food in your mouth, or else you wouldn't be able to walk home with a full stomach. You hated it, honestly, but you still had to do it.

Gulping the last bite, you held your stomach with a great pain in your stomach. The nurse said that you shouldn't each too much or else you would have a really bad stomachache. Looks like you ate too much, and now your stomach was in a terrible ache.

"Ugh...," you put your hands on your mouth.

Before you could even puke, you put everything up and go out of the bathroom. Opening the door, you see no one, but one familiar boy who walks up to you. You panic, but stay where you are, knowing that if you try to run away. You watch walk closer to you as you put a hand on your arm, looking away and to the ground while you get nervous.

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