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Still worried, Satou stayed outside of the school, so he could wait and pick you up with the walk back home. He's still worried about this bully of yours, so that's why he wanted to walk home with you, to figure out who this bully is.

When you walked out the school, Satou was on his phone, texting to his friends. He heard footsteps and looked up to smile when he found you at his view.

"Ready to go home?"


Your brother gives a bigger smile as you start to walk out the school gates. While doing so, you were talking about your day of meeting back up with friends you knew and about your return of going back to the art club. He gave a few comments about how glad he was and was happy for you.

"I'm so proud of you overcoming your situation. Now, you can finally be happy, and we can finally get back as siblings together," he says.

"I know, right? We can play at the arcade, play games at night, and since mom and dad are finally coming back from their business trip, we can celebrate Christmas together!" you get cheered up again, "Oh, there's so many things I want to do today! Like going back to that cat cafe, taking walks at the park, and so much more!"

"Well, the first thing to do is celebrate," Satou begins, "So, do you want to go to the cat cafe?"

"R-Really? Yes!"

Sitting down with the cats, you start to talk to them just like you used to. Biscuits was so happy that he started to walk to you and push his head to your leg, a sign that he missed you.

"Biscuits! I'm back!" you say.

Satou gave such a nice smile as you both were ordering your drinks. Happy to see your cute little kittens, Satou looks at you with such happiness. Isn't he just so glad to see you like this. While enjoying the cats around you, Satou had Cottage on his lap since she knew that Satou wouldn't mind the company.

"So, how's your day been?" Satou asks as he pets the mother cat.

"It was the best! So, how I said about my day during our walk here, Maki and I reunited as best friends again. She was almost about sob at that moment. She was in surprise when I was the one who started to speak up to her. Actually, everyone was, too," you continue, "And when I finished lunch with Maki and along with friends that I made, I wanted to meet up with Teruhashi-

"You're friends with Teruhashi? The pretty girl?"

"Yeah, I know. Surprise, surprise. She seemed annoying at first, not because of jealously, but after learning that she was actually quite caring, she's pretty cool. When I met up with her, she seemed so happy she was about to cry in front of her fan club!" you laugh at the end.


"Really! It was so funny, because they kept on giving me death glares. They were that jealous."

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now