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Walking back and forth in your room, you couldn't find the necklace. You don't know what happened to it. This is what you get for talking it off just for a few hours. Now, you don't know where you placed it.

"Where did it go? I swear it was just on my drawer," you start to panic.

Your brother hears you use your panicking footsteps in your room, so he checks up on you.

"What's wrong, cupcakes?" he asks.

You turn your head at him with a frantic face, eyes about to tear up.

"I-I-" your voice cracks, "I can't find my necklace."

"Where'd you last put it?"

"O-On this drawer, b-but it's not there anymore," you say as your brother closer, "I searched everywhere in my room. I e-even checked up on the fan, but it's not there!"

You weep like a child after their ice cream was melted away off the cone. Giving pity, your brother finds it cute at how you're acting right now.

"It's okay, Y/n. Have you checked your bag yet?"

"N-No . . ." you say before going to your schoolbag.

Searching for it, you heard a light tap on your window. You and Satou both look up to what it was and find that it was the cat that's been following you. It had your necklace in its mouth, making you smile in joy. You quickly open up the window and the cat invite himself in, making Satou quite alert and creeped out.

"Has this cat been following you?"

"Yeah, it's the one that I've been talking about," you smile, "and I think he just found my necklace! You really are different from the other ones!"

The cat drops the necklace on your bed and sophisticatedly sat himself on your chair, glaring at your brother since the white ball of fur wanted to know if you told him or not. You walk up to your chair and pet the cat before taking the necklace. Satou just found it weird that you just met this cat in just a few weeks.

"Why does he act like he's some type of high-class pet," Satou whispers close to you.

"I dunno, but he kept following me for the past few weeks, so I thought it'd be nice to bring him in."

Satou stares at the cat you pet as the kitten glares at him back, giving a silent fight between the two. For some reason, Satou didn't like the aura of the cat.

"I don't think you should keep the cat. You also know how mom doesn't like strays."

"I know. That's why he visits me from time to time. Sometimes I give him food and water. Milk if he's a good boy," you make a small laugh at the end at the unusual cat, "I also find him cute, too."

"Well how would you know that he's just using you?"

"He's a stray cat, Satou. I can't leave him alone like that," you pick up the cat around your arms.

The cat still glares at Satou as he just questions his life choices.

"Okay then. Well, if you don't, then leave it quick. We can't have him around. You know how mom doesn't like it when there's fur in the house."

You sigh and nod before petting the cat.

"I suppose so," you pick up the cat before petting him, "I'm sorry, kitty. I have to take you out now. I'm sorry."

And that was the first time you ever heard the cat meow at you. It was a sound of demand to stay, as if he wanted to stay by your side. It was loud and determined, but sweet and begging. It was almost an annoying whine.

You hear your brother leave before you take the cat through your window. The cat wouldn't budge and instead pushed himself back to your room, by scratching your arm, making you retract. You hiss as the cat falls back onto your bed in a sophisticated sitting position, glaring at you as if you just betrayed him. You furrow your eyes at him and try again.

"Now, I really can't have you staying here, kitty," you say, "But you can visit me from time to time. Just not now."

He still glares at you and doesn't move. Getting a bit more frustrated with the cat, you pick him up and try to push him out the window again, but no matter how much you try, it just doesn't seem to get better. You have more scratches than before, and it seems like the cat is still becoming more stubborn as you go.

"C'mon, cat, I can't let you stay or else my mother will get frustrated with you," you reply.

He only replies with an angry growl, and you hated it. At this point, you would've gladly thrown the cat out the window, but you couldn't do that. You were sure that he'd just bounce back in.

Sighing, you hear the garage open, making you realize that your mom was finally back home. Panicking, you pick up the cat and hide him in your closet, shushing him before locking the door. You hear your brother come to your room, knocking and telling you to help your mother for groceries.

"Hey, cupcakes, let's go help mother. Today's dinner is our favorite."

"R-Really? I wanna help chop the vegetables!"

Sleeping, Saiki watches you snuggle with a stuffed toy. It's been so long since he's seen you sleep like this. So comfy and loving to look at. Who knew Saiki would actually fall in love with someone like you? After all he's done to you, he's never felt this ache in his heart every time he sees you, he misses you, and even thinks of you. How could he even dare to think of loving you after all the pain he put you through? How he never felt so wrong in his life.

As he watched you move around, he squats to your bed's level and admires you and your life. If only he could gaze at you like this every day. He stood up and took the necklace off your desk and put it around your neck. He finally fixed it correctly, so he was glad that he could finally touch it without hurting himself. Once he locked it, he smoothly glides his hands on your neck, soon missing your touch. He makes a light grip around your neck. Oh, how he misses doing that.

He watches you unfazed, but you seem like you had a bad dream with the grip around his hands as he tried to give a bit of pressure. You whimper but was still not fazed with Saiki's hand over your neck. Saiki takes away his hand before he could do anything else.

Standing up, he gazes at you while going back home.

The next chapter is going to be the last chapter. >:)

At the meantime of your grieving, look at this 19th century woman having fun with her breast holding up plates of cups.

At the meantime of your grieving, look at this 19th century woman having fun with her breast holding up plates of cups

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