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Coughing again, you wrapped yourself with blankets. Your room was warm, but you were cold as heck. As you put the back of your hand over your forehead, you felt sweat cross over your face and down your pillow. You breathe heavily as you were trying to compose yourself from not puking up.

Yes, you were sick, and it seems like it wasn't getting better. It came out of the blue, but maybe it's because you yourself was tired of everything that you couldn't handle it anymore. That's what you get for doing so much in such little time.

As you were trying to take another sip of your tea, your dry throat didn't taste anything. You were confused and dizzy as you realize that you ran out. Groaning sickly, you try to sit up and get off your bed but failed to do so when you instead fell. When you tried to get up, your knees felt too weak to stand up as you fell again. If you couldn't eve stand up, then you had no choice but to crawl.

You sigh in a weak wheezing way as you dropped your head. Even though you were about to give up, you held your head up high and started to crawl. On the carpet, your whole body was down, but you still had the courage to do what you needed to do.

You got this, Y/n.

You heard a notification on your phone. Looking back, you sigh weakly as you forcibly picked yourself up. As you were doing so, your hand slipped, but your other grabbed your phone. Coughing horribly again, you pick up your phone as you try to open it up, and the second you did, your eyes started to phase out of reality and wanted to give you another slumber of weakness.

It was lunch time and Saiki thought it would be a good idea to visit you at the time. When he reached into your room, he saw you laying on the floor as if you were dead. Maybe because you were since you were sick as death, but that was only in the narrator's imagination who just wanted to stop narrating this stupid and dumb story, but that's another story for another time.

Saiki rushes to your aid as he realizes what has happened to you. He felt your temperature, and you were burning up. There was no other way to say that you weren't sick. You just couldn't even fake it.

If Saiki needed you alive, then he'd have to take care of you.

He put you on your bed first, of course. Then, he got all the medicine he needed for you to help you heal from your sickness, and also got you warm food to eat. As he was finished, he put a wet, yet chilly towel over your forehead to help your temperature calm down. He realizes that you didn't change your school uniform from yesterday and was still wearing it during the night.

Sighing, the boy had to do what he needed to do in order for you to not get sick.

You look weakly when you woke up. You felt someone dab on your forehead from time to time. It was cold and wet, so when you open your eyes for just a bit, you see Saiki a bit over you. His expression seems . . . worried? It could be your imagination of how sick you were.

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