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Throwing you harshly into the torture classroom, you slid on the floor to the wall, hitting your back in pain.

"Ah--!" you whine in pain.

"I fucking trusted you," Saiki says as he walks closer to your timid face.

He kicks your stomach harsh enough to cough loud.

"I gave you space."

Another kick.

"I let you go outside with my permission."

And another one.

"I let you have friends."

And another.

"Heck, I even let you become friends with my brother."

And another.

Your nose was facing to the floor as you held onto your stomach and the other to compose your breathing pain. Saiki pulls you up from your hair as you had a smeared nosebleed. Shutting your eyes, you tried to support yourself with your arms, but you failed every time, because of your upper body strength just failing you. Instead, you let Saiki pull your hair up in pain.

You start yelling as you try to get his grip on your hair loose. He didn't and swung your head back to the wall, feeling the immense pain behind your head. You still felt conscious, but with great pain. You wish all of this would go away. Why can't everything just go away? Maybe it would be hopeless if you weren't even here.

You were about to drop your hands until you felt a squeeze in your throat. You held onto the same wrist that pushed you back to the same wall he tortured you. You try to take a single second of air, but it didn't work. Your eyes fill ed with horror and anger. You grit your teeth as you suffer to stay alive. You try to kick him away, but he himself was already in between your legs.

With one more swing on the wall, you drop your hands to your side, feeling tired and in pain again. You only stared at him as you felt defeated again.

"I trusted you with that fucking necklace, so you could prove to me that you could do better," Saiki says, "I was stupid to think of you like that."

He lets go of your neck and you fall onto his shoulder, tired of what he would do next to you. When you started breathing, your head fell on his jacket as your legs were laid out. You were so tired that you didn't even care of what he would do next.

I'm so tired . . .

That was the only thing that roamed around your head and into Saiki's thoughts. Saiki let you cry in his shoulder as you grip on his jacket.

"Why me?" you say, "O-Of all people . . . why me?"

Saiki didn't say anything. He only stood up and left you on the floor.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now