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As your brother walks back home after school ends, you wait for him. You hold onto your strap that hung over your shoulder as you wait inside the empty classroom. You look down to your cat keychain, smiling at the day when he paid for the meals before you looked at the wall. Staring before realizing, there was still a stain of blood. You remembered the time he beat you up at that wall for not obeying him. He liked the idea of trying to push you down to the ground. You could still tell that the stained blood on the wall trailed to the floor. Even the desks were still at the same stop they were when you were forcefully pushed back.

You soon stopped functioning and started to walk backwards. Your trauma was activating again. After for many months of trying to control it, it was finally coming back to you. This exact classroom was always the key to your destructive mind. It always had a way to ruin your emotional thinking.

You flinched when you felt yourself bump into a desk, soon leading you to turn around and back away. You again bumped into a surface that was warm and soft. You quickly turn around to see him. Seeing him in this dark room made the atmosphere in the room even worse for you. You look down as you heard muffled sentences.

Then you felt his hand hold onto your wrists. You look up at him with frightened eyes.

"Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you," he says, "Just breathe. No need to hyperventilate."

Hyperventilate? You didn't even realize you were. You soon calmed yourself down just what the boy ordered. You felt your wrists in release, and a handkerchief up your cheeks to wipe the tears you didn't even noticed. He held your face steady for him to clean your tears by holding your jawline gently upwards to look up at him.

"Can you not cry? My parents will be suspicious if they found your eyes puffed up like this. You already cried yesterday, so why now?"

You stare at him as he was gentle with his aggressive acts. The more you don't do anything, the less he is to be rude to you. Every day, you somehow find a way to get him to stay calm from his torturing actions. Is your method of just trying to stay quiet working or is it something else?

"I'm so-

"And I told you to stop apologizing. When will you just listen to me?"

When he was finished, he put his handkerchief in his pocket and took out his hand.


You look up at him and eyes widen. Your hands were up as they waved for a decline.

"I-I can take care of my own bag-

"Just accept this offer. This is a once in a lifetime chance that I'll ever do this to you, so just accept and take it," he continues, "Besides, you already have that sleepover bag with you to carry."

You stared at him with the most precious eyes before you sigh and take your strap off of your shoulder. You give him your bag and start walking to his home.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now