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The next day, Saiki left the house early and you were grateful. It gave you time to rest and grieve. For the better or worse, you had the weekend to yourself. Your brother, again, left you alone, knowing that you were having a hard time, so he gave you the peace of mind to rest. Aren't you so lucky to have a brother like him.

As you were sitting down on the couch, you heard your brother open the door. You look up as you stopped drawing, getting scared.

"W-Where are you going?" you ask your brother.

He looks at you.

"I'm gonna go to the store for a little while."

"C-Can I come with you?" you ask, scared of being alone right now.

Hiroshi could see the scare in your eyes as you leaned a bit over on the couch. Hiroshi nods.


As you were holding onto the basket around your arms, your brother was deciding which spice he would need to cook for tonight's dinner. As he was you saw a glimpse of an orange hair. Eyes wide, you blink your eyes again to see if it really was him. With just a figment of your imagination, there was no one there. You start to frown as it was only a boy with dark violet hair with glasses.

Hiroshi notices this as he looks forward to who you were looking at. You suddenly remembered who this boy was, but still was sad at your mirage of confusing your brain from dreams and reality.

"Do you know him?" your brother asks.

You look back at Hiroshi and shake your head, looking down at the basket full of products.


Hiroshi hums as a response and puts in the last pack in the basket.

"Lets go," Hiroshi says.

Walking out of the aisle at the same boy's direction. You accidentally bump into him when he backed up to look down the shelf, resulting Hiroshi bumping into you.


The boy looks at you with eyes wide as you start to panic. He smiles as he cocks his head in a surprising manner.

"Hey, you're that girl who-

"Let's go, Hiroshi," you quickly sped up.

Hiroshi was going to say something, but you were farewell gone. Hiroshi apologizes quickly to the boy who was in his grade as he calls out your name. He quickly caught up on you as you were already giving the basket to the cashier.

Once you finished paying, you quickly gave thanks and walked out with the plastic bags in hand. Hiroshi was concerned with why you were acting like this.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now