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After school, you were waiting for Saiki, trying to forget what happened back at lunch. Afterall, your brother was here, and you didn't want him to worry much more than what you're dealing right now.

"Why are we waiting for him?" Hiroshi asks.

"I-I wanted to ask him i-if he would like to have a sleepover," you turn to your brother, "I-If that's fine with you?"

"It's siblings' fun day, though," you plead your brother with your sad and begging eyes, "Well, it doesn't hurt to add one more."

"Th-Thank you!"

You smile at your brother as you hug him. He hugs you back.

Saiki watches the scene unfold in front of him, making Hiroshi notice. He saw how he looked calm from his composure, but his grip on his strap said something else.

"Hey, Senko is here."


"Yeah, your friend."

"Senko? Oh! Y-Yes, S-Senko!" you turn around and unwrap your hands around your brother as you quickly walk up to Saiki.

"H-Hey, I need you to stay at my house for the night."

"Why? It's not like you need me or anything," Saiki thought of what he just said, "I take that back. You do need me, but it doesn't explain why you need me to stay at your house for the night."

"W-Well, don't you want to get close to my brother?"

"Yes, but-

"Then this is a great idea!" you grab his hands, "This is a chance to finally get close and become friends with him. Come on, we can't get him to--

"Wait. I don't even have anything--

"Don't worry, we have futons!" you say as you drag him.

At that moment, Saiki's only thought was your hand with his. It was small, yet perfect for his hand. It's like the only feeling that cared in the world.

The fact that you were brave enough to hold his hand with such a gentle touch make Saiki's stomach feel fuzzy. It was the fact that you didn't care about what he did in the past. It was the fact that you cared what he's always wanted. No matter how harsh the past he made for you, you wanted to give him what he wanted.

It made Saiki blush so hard, he thought it was so noticeable.

As you get the futon, you leave Saiki and Hiroshi alone. You had to go outside to go to the garage and get the few futons and other necessary sleeping items for Saiki to sleep for the night. As you were, Hiroshi and Saiki were cooking for tonight.

Saiki was busy cutting the vegetables while Hiroshi was cooking the meat. Saiki was feeling nervous, not because he's close to Saiki, but he's worried about you. Why did you run off and leave him here? What if you needed help getting the futons for him? Shouldn't he be worried about his presence around Hiroshi?

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now