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When Satou wakes up from his alarm, he was ready to hear his sister barge in to wake him up, but after ten minutes, it never came. Now that got him alert. Did you study late again? But you barely do that. The only time you do is usually stay up at night is up to 12PM, so it was unusual for you to not wake him up.

So, he gets up from his bed and stretches his arms, ready to wake up his sister from her late-night study session. When he walks in your room, he sees that your lights were out, but your window was open as it seems your blankets were wiped out on the floor. Becoming for alert, Satou starts to become more cautious with his surroundings.

"Cupcakes? Are you here?" Satou questions.

He starts to search in the bathroom, but the lights were out there, too, when he checked. That's when Satou started to get really worried. He searched around the top and bottom floor, but he didn't see anything. He barged into his parents' room with a frantic face while theirs were an annoyed one.

"Mom, Dad, I can't find Y/n," Satou says.

"What?!" they both exclaimed.

The parents rushed into your room along with the brother as the mother asked questions.

"How did you see it?" The mother rushes the answer. Luckily, Satou understood.

"The blanket was halfway off the bed and the window's wide open," Satou responds.

"Oh, dear child, what if she ran away?"

"I checked her closet, Mom. She didn't take a single clothing."

"Oh, my poor sweet child," the mother whimpers once they saw your room in a mess, just how it looked like in Chapter 1.


It's been three hours and the sun has been slowly rising up. Your mother's mom is still crying as your dad was furious. The police scanned the place, and it was confirmed that it was a kidnap. No cop could specifically understand how, but they hypothesized that you were most likely forced to go with your kidnapper or was either drugged at night.

Satou still couldn't believe such an act someone would pull off. He was furious, actually. There has to be more than just any of this. There wasn't anyone too close to you and, not trying to be rude, but you had barely to no friends in your lonely faze, so there was no one to question. Other than Maki and Aren.

Wait . . .

Quickly, Satou rushes back into the investigation room, where a police officer was interviewing your father in an angry tone. He barges in and makes the room in a furious silence.

"Sir, I know two people who are friends with my sister. Th-They should have a hint with it."

"Do you have any contact with them?"

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now