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Packing up your bag to go home, you were wondering what the boy needed. It was hard living like this, especially when you didn't know when he was going to show up out of the blue or if he would just come by your presence. You found this skill as a talent, but it was still terrifying since he used this for the worst.

As you walk down the hall, you find Teruhashi waiting for you. When she heard a few footsteps come by her ears, she turns to them and smiles happily. Waving to you, you timidly wave back. She blushed at your cute gesture.

"Hey! How are you holding up?"

You hum in curiosity. The pretty girl chuckles nervously.

"Well, I heard about the classmate in your grade."


"Do you want to visit him?"

With hesitance, you were thinking about it. Teruhashi was hoping for you and her would visit him for you. She could tell that this precious friend of yours was close to you, so she wanted to think of a way to talk to him again.

"No, thank you. I think he's had enough pain going around."

"Hm? Why? Did something happen between you two?"

You look to the ground, remember the time he first talked to you to the day you two drifted apart in a span of a few weeks.

"Yeah," you get ready to walk away, "I should go now."

You leave the popular girl for a moment before she runs after you in worry.

"Aren't you going to visit him or something? He is your friend, right?"

"Not anymore. Can we stop talking about this?"

You try to push her away.

"No!" Teruhashi jumps in front of you, "I don't know why you're trying to push people away for the benefit of some stupid reason, but it's not like you're hurting people, Y/n! Sure, there will be sad times, but it doesn't mean that it won't break a friendship! Unless you fix this problem of pushing people away, then you're never going to be happy in your life!"

You look at her, astonished. You never had someone pull you up in such an amazing way. You were surprised by how she stood up for who you are. It was inspiring, but sad at the same time.

"You say it like it's so easy," you look down to your shoes.

"Because I want it to make it easy for you," Teruhashi says, blushing a bit, "Now-"

Her hand grabs onto your wrist as she leads the way to the hospital.

"What are you doing-

"-let's go meet your friend!"

After you both checked in as friends, you were nervous and terrified about meeting up with Hinata. You really didn't want to meet up with him, knowing that you two would just leave off a very uncomfortable scene, but Teruhashi really had to pull you out of your comfort zone.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now