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After your lunch was over, you were walking up to the teachers' lounge. There was time to go since you finished early with Saiki. You told him you had to go to class, so he let you go. As there was a presence following you, you look around to find nobody there.

Huh, weird.

You walk down the stairs as you enter the teacher lounge. As you were inside, you found your homeroom teacher with a concerned, yet sad face as a patched up Hinata was there. Your eyes widen as you hear Hinata's words come out.

"I'm moving to Iwate prefecture."

"Is that why you weren't here this morning? Because you were packing up?"

"Yes, the truck came in sooner than we expected, so we're trying our best to pack up everything," Hinata scratches his neck out of the discomfort wound.

"That's fine. As long as you're doing well, that's all that matters. I hope you're healing better."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you."

the teacher finally noticed your presence as you fumble with your lunchbox.

"U-Um, hi," mumble enough for the two to understand.

Hello, Y/n! Is there anything you need?" your homeroom teacher asks.

Hinata looks back and eyes wide as well. He smiles and points at you.

"You're that girl who visited me at the hospital!" Hinata smiles as he stands up, "Thank you for visiting me. It was really nice of you guys to do that. I remember the other girl, but I still can't remember you. I promise that I'll do everything to remember you!"

Your lips quiver as tears start to fill up your eyes. You try to smile, but that smile of his was just so promising that you wanted to give him a hug.

"H-Hinata...," you smile at the boy.

You run up to him as you hug him. Hinata was taken aback, but he, too, started to tear up and started to hug you back.

"Thank you, Hinata," you whisper through the sniffles.

"Me, too," Hinata says as you both broke the hug.

The teacher just watches the scene happen as she smiles at the two cuties. It's like she's watching an adorable movie about an amnesic person who finally found his lover.

As you two broke the hug, Hinata smiles as you smile back at him. He holds onto your hand as he rubs circles with his thumb on the back of your hand. The ache of your heart was great, but Hinata's was greater. The love that Hinata didn't know, but now realizes, was finally found in the memories he had with you. With the little moments he had, the adventure of trying to find your pain, and the hardship you had to go through, he remembers it all.

He finally knew who you are to him.

He laughs at the happy moments, remembering to be careful around you. He kisses the top of your forehead, making you feel embarrassed as the teacher quietly giggle.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now