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Waiting for you, Aren stands at the front of the park. He just got there, so he was glad that you weren't waiting for him. He didn't mind waiting for you, but it's been almost 50 minutes and you still weren't there.

Soon enough, he heard footsteps running. Aren looks to his left and find your distressed face.

"H-Hey, I- I'm sorry- hah, I lost track," you pant as your hands were on your knees.

"No worries," he says, "You need something to drink?"

"No, thank you," you say as you stand up slowly, still trying to catch your breath, "Let's just- gosh, I'm so sorry. Let's go."

"Sure thing."

Enjoying your time with Aren, Saiki watches from afar, but still close to each other. Of course, he would. Why wouldn't he?

As he watches you two start your fun, he follows you two go to a restaurant, a simple fast restaurant. Nothing special, but it seems like Saiki was . . . curious with what you two were up two.

Sitting on the fence in front of the restaurant, he sees you two sit close to window. He sees you two talking around and get irritate that you are just hanging around with a bit of small talk, but good conversations. Using his powers again, he listens to the conversation.

"So, who's your other friend with the, uh, the spikey-like yellow hair?" you ask, "I've seen him around you guys, so I'm quite curious."

"Oh, that's Nendou. He seems real scary at first glance, but it's dumb personality that makes you want to be his friend. He's also a great guy to be around. He's probably the perfect friend to hang around, if you ask me," Aren comments.

"Really? Gosh, now I feel pretty bad," you laugh in an embarrassing way, "I thought he was some bodyguard of yours or your other cotton candy haired friend."

"Cotton candy . . . oh, you mean Kaidou!"

"That's his name? He seems pretty nice to me, though, what does he talk about? His . . . Black Hawk Wings?"

"Jet Black Wings," he sighs, "He thinks he's some OP main character who has some power with his wrapped up with that hand."

"Oh, so that's why his hand is wrapped around with that red scarf," you take a sip of your drink."

To Saiki's surprise, he was expecting something juice for him to get mad about, but it seems like you two are just talking like the friends you two are. It was quite confusing at first, but he didn't mind. The conversations seemed to still be normal throughout the date.

The date was now set up walking at the park with the night sky. There was nothing unusual with a few loud and quiet laughs and good small talks here and there.

"Since you moved here a few months ago, how you like the town?" you ask.

"It's pretty normal, not gonna lie," Aren comments, "The school isn't so bad. There are a few kids who suspect me at an enemy, because of how rebellious I look."

"Well, you would look rebellious if you didn't have your glasses on."

"Hey!" Aren furies-- the type to be annoyed or angered-- as he playfully glares at you, "I could never be that mean."

"I bet you would if I mess things up."

"I could never be that mean."

"How would you know?" you tease some more.

"Because I'm finally dating the girl I want."

You start to get a warm feeling in your stomach as you look at Aren with a flustered face as he returned one as well. His face red as yours was as well flustered. You both stop as you open your mouth to only close it again.

Gazing at the both of each other, you both look at your imperfection. The moon under you, the stars to spark the couple, and the beauty between both people. You look at Aren's eyes as he looks at yours, quickly glancing at your lips.

"C-Can I kiss you?" his voice cracks.

You got even more flustered at his question, but Aren was dying from his voice crack. He just hoped you'd ignore that to make this perfect Wattpad scene finally come true.

Luckily of Saiki, he got front row seats to what was happening right now and oh, was he furious. These feelings coming up in his heart just made him want to attack his friend, thinking he'd stay loyal after all he's done for him. What a friend Aren is.

Now, Saiki has another one to deal with.

"S-Sure," you shyly answer.

Slowly, Aren leans in as you start to close your eyes. With noses about to touch, Saiki quickly makes Aren change his mind to go for the cheek, making his forced thoughts into reality. You get embarrassed that you had the thought of him to even kiss you at the lips. Aren retracts his face away as his face was about to sweat from the kiss.

"Wow, um, wow," Aren quickly looks away and scratches his head to make sure he doesn't explode, "Sorry if I'm, uh, overreacting. That was the first time I ever kissed a girl."

"R-Really?" you start in disbelief, "But you seem like the typical bad boy with your rebellious look!"

"Rebellious?" Aren teases, "Oh, so I'm the bad guy now?"

"W-What I mean is that you d-don't look so bad!" you start to get flustered and groan in embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry. I've never been out with a guy before, so this is also new to me."

"Y-Yeah. Me, too," Aren stutters, "W-Well, if you want, I can walk you home."

"S-Sure!" you get all flustered as Aren was colored like beet.

And within a day, that's all Saiki needed to hear that you were truly stupid in your own way. Too bad he can't straighten you out yet.

Sorry I've been out for so long. I've been getting really busy for the past weeks. It's okay though, because I finally posted a chapter!

Oh, and remember Hinata? Yeah, just wanted to remind you guys.

You guys rn:

Hey, at least you got Aren

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Hey, at least you got Aren.

𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐁𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 || 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢Where stories live. Discover now